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(My pookie is so cute😍🍑, anyways sorry for the late ass upload

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(My pookie is so cute😍🍑, anyways sorry for the late ass upload. I'm dealing with school 👩🏽‍🦼)






3rd POV

Kazuma and the others was now on a boat, kazuma sat close to kakashi, sakura of course sat next to sasuke and naruto was in front of the three of em. they were sailing to where Mr tazuna lives. There was fog and it was quiet

"This is a lot of fog, I can't see in front of us" Sakura whispered and kazuma agreed by nodding.

"The bridge should be visible soon, when we reach the side of the bridge we'll be in the land of the waves" the person steering the boat said lowly but loud enough for everyone to hear

Like he said, a bridge came into view and kazuma stared in awe at it

"wow! It's huge!" Yelled Naruto and the person steering the boat panicked

"h-hey please keep it down!" He whispered "i took this boat out under over of fog and I cut the engine, I steering it by hand. If they find us we'll be in deep trouble" he continued and kazuma looked at him and Naruto put a hand over his mouth

"Mr Tazuna" kakashi called out and tazuna didn't look at kakashi.
"I want to ask you something before we arrive at the pier. The identity of your assailants, and the reason they're after you. If you don't tell us then our mission may end when you make landfall." Kakashi said lowly while looking at mr tazuna dead serious.

(Dead ass? ಠಿ⁠_⁠ಠ)

It was silent after that, kazuma was resting his head on kakashi's shoulder and Sasuke would glare a bit over there while biting down the urge to grab kazuma and hold him close to his side.

After a while, Mr tazuna spoke up.

"It appears I have no choice but to tell you. Frankly, I'd like for you to listen. As you said this may be beyond the scope of your mission. Actually I'm being targeted by a terrifying man"

"Terrifying man? Who?" Questioned kakashi

"You guys at least probably heard at least his name before. A shipping magnate by the name of gato."

"Gato..! Gato of the company??" Kakashi asked while sitting up from his slouching and kazuma fell backwards and...

"AHHHHHHH KAZUMA!!!!!" kakashi yelled





彼の小さなうさぎ(Naruto fanfic)(Sasuke X Maleoc)Where stories live. Discover now