Valentine's Day special pt.2🌹🍫

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Here's part 2 of this special (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞






Kazuma stared with wide eyes as Sakura stood on the other side of the door, she held relief and slight anger in her eyes, and kazuma squinted his eyes slightly as he looked at what she was carrying.

It was a slightly large box.

"So, your not dead huh?" She asked with a slight smile and kazuma stared at her, he expected her to say something mean but eesh...

"Uhm. Yea." He mumbled and she nods and pushes the box towards him

"Uhm, mom and dad wanted me to take care of this thing of yours. But sadly it-" Sakura was interrupted as kazuma quickly opened the box, his eyes widened in terror and he dropped the lid to the box.

Inside was mickey. But..he..

"What did you do..?" Kazuma asked breathlessly as he shook, sakura rolled her eyes slightly

"I didn't do anything. One day it was fine and everything then the next it was dead under my bed." Sakura explained and kazuma tried to scream but all that came out was gasps. He clutched the box and tears fell from his eyes.

Kazuma knew Sakura didn't care for Mickey. She supposedly said she took care of it but all she did was fed it once a day. She didn't shower mickey, nor took it to the vet for monthly checkups. Hell, Sakura even killed his pet tarantula.

It's all she ever do to make him suffer.

Take things.

And crush him down.

Kazuma noticed that there was a hole under Mickey's chest, he looked at it closely and he scrunched up his face as maggots already was on him. So sakura did kill him.

"You killed him.." mumbled kazuma and sakura sighed and put a hand on her hip

"It wouldn't shut up! Then that rat tore up half my clothes by chewing on them"

"HE WAS HUNGRY!!" yelled kazuma

"WELL IT WASN'T MY FAULT YOU DISAPPEARED AND DIDN'T TAKE YOUR PESTS WITH YOU!!" Sakura yelled back and kazuma gently threw the box down and went to hit Sakura who closed her eyes, but a hand firmly grabbed kazuma's small wrist. He looked up and everything crumbled inside him, he started trembling and his breathing quickened.

"Sa..suke.." he mumbled inaudibly and Sasuke stared at kazuma, kazuma yanked his wrist free and he watched as Sakura wrapped her arms around sasuke's waist

"Sasuke-kun!" She cried out with a frown, kazuma shook more as he quickly ran pass them, and Into the woods.

The two watched as he disappeared into the woods, they heard thunder and rain started to fall.





As hours past Sasuke went to go look for kazuma. Everything has been shitty and sasuke is annoyed with it. He didn't know that Sakura killed his pets, he didn't know she would go that far. Sasuke continued to look around, waiting to spot a pink headed boy.

Sasuke wondered if kazuma left was because of his sister. Did she drive him out? Did she say something to threaten him? He wishes to know.

Sasuke walked deeper into the forest, his ears and eyes on guard. As he heard a river nearby, he walked to it, and he stopped in his tracks as he saw kazuma sitting on a rock near the river. His back towards him.

彼の小さなうさぎ(Naruto fanfic)(Sasuke X Maleoc)Where stories live. Discover now