Thanksgiving special🍑🦃

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(HAPPY THANKSGIVING, here's a special, they are lil grown up so it will include heavy smut👀💗)






The atmosphere was cold yet warm, houses was decorated with pumpkins, and turkey decorations. The smell of pumpkin pie and pumpkin spice filled the air, along with the smell of cooked turkey and herbs.

In a house, a little away from the village, older kazuma layed on the couch on his stomach sleeping peacefully, he had been cooking all morning, a big feast for everyone.

As kazuma slept soundlessly, a hand softly caressed his cheek, kazuma moved in his sleep a little but not enough to make up. The hand then started playing with his hair and rubbing kazuma's ear lobe in between it's index and middle finger.

The figure then moved it's face towards kazuma's neck and softly nuzzled it's nose against kazuma's neck causing him to stir in his sleep while groaning slightly, waking up.

"Time to wake up kaz" a familiar voice said and kazuma rolled onto his back and stretched and opened his eyes fully and was now staring up at Sasuke's onyx eyes.

"Why didn't you wake me up sooner.." kazuma whined softly and rubbed his eyes and Sasuke slightly smiled

"You was sleeping so peacefully, and plus you already did enough work." He replied and kazuma hummed, getting up and heading to the kitchen

"Did you finish making the cheesecake?" Kazuma asked as he rummaged through some cabinets looking for a pot, sasuke hummed in response and kazuma placed the small pot under the sink faucet and put some water halfway and put it on the stove, sprinkling some salt in it before putting 6 eggs in it and turned on the fire on low.

"You should go take a shower before everyone gets here. I'll watch the eggs." Sasuke said and walked up next to kazuma and kazuma nodded and hesitates but quickly pecks sasuke on the cheek causing him to freeze and kazuma quickly walked away, leaving Sasuke a little flustered.

Kazuma's POV

I started the shower and placed some casual nice clothes on the counter and waited as the water heated up.

Sasuke..i wanted to kiss him on his lips but..

I shook my head and undressed and put my clothes in the basket and stepped into the shower, I shuddered slightly as the warm hot water ran down my back. I made sure to rinse my whole body and grabbed my rag and poured some body wash on it and started washing myself.

I made sure I was nice and clean and then started washing my hair, it had gotten longer, long enough to just a little pass my shoulders. Once I finished washing my hair, I rinsed it off and got out the shower, and dried my body off and put on my clothes, I wore a darkish green and grey turtleneck sweater, with some black leggings. I dried my hair off and combed it, I then brushed my teeth and headed out the bathroom and into me and Sasuke's bedroom. I hung my towel on a hook and put on some deodorant and strawberry scented lotion and headed into the living room and saw that Naruto was already here

"Ah kazuma hey!" Naruto greeted me and I smiled and greeted him back and I laughed as he embraced me in a bear hug

"Hi Naruto, im glad you came" i said as he let go and he smiled down at me and chuckled

"Of course I came! Your my friend and plus I heard you cooked ramen" Naruto said and while nudging me and I chuckled and nodded

"Yea I just knew you wanted some, anyways when is everyone coming?" I asked as I walked to the kitchen with him following

彼の小さなうさぎ(Naruto fanfic)(Sasuke X Maleoc)Where stories live. Discover now