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You've gotta be fucking kidding me. Flashing lights on my way back to school, and after such a fun spring break! Fuck!

"Pull over your vehicle" the cop ordered through the intercom, as if I wasn't already complying. These assholes love their power.

I shivered nervously while waiting even though we were in the Mississippi heat. After a few anxiety-filled minutes, a bulky man finally stepped out of the car. Dammit, of course I got some big scary guy instead of a hot lady cop!

The burly body swaggering towards me looked tough. My eyes were immediately drawn to his knee-high, spit shined black boots. Going up, I saw thighs the size of my torso squeezed into grey tights. As he got closer I could make out his expression: unenthused. I couldn't see his eyes beneath his reflective aviators but his grizzled frown assured me he wasn't happy.

His crotch sat window-height so he had to lean over to speak to me. Now my view was blocked by his broad shoulders and chest, covered by a matching grey short sleeve button down.

After scoping him out I'm not ashamed to admit the dude was ripped. His girthy, veiny arms were popping out of his sleeves and well-developed pecs showed through his unbuttoned shirt. Drops of sweat slid from his thick, bristled neck down his hairy chest, forming dark patches across his uniform. He put both hands on my window and stuck his head in.

"Know why I pulled you over, boy?"

The cop's southern accent was thick which only added to his intimidating demeanor. I was just a soft New England boy who'd gone south for some sun! I wasn't used to guys like this!


"I clocked you goin' a little over a hundred back there. Know what the speed limit is 'round these parts?"

"S-s-seventy five...."

"Seventy five, sir," he repeated back to me.


"It's 'sir' when you're speakin' to me, boy. Got it?"

Jeez, what a hardass!

"Y-yes, sir. The speed limit is 75, sir...."

"Actually, boy, this here's a construction zone with a speed limit of 60. That means you were goin' more than 40 over, and that's a felony."

"W-wait, officer. I... I'm just trying to get back to school, man, I swear. A-and... Look around! Come on, we're in the middle of nowhere! There's no other cars! I-I mean... it's not like I was gonna hurt anyone!"

"I'm gonna need you to step out of the vehicle."

"W-what? You can't be serious..."

"Do I look like I'm kiddin', boy."

He didn't.

"Oh fuck... Oh fuck... Oh fuck...."

I was scared shitless getting out of my car. Was he gonna arrest me?! Was I going to jail???

"Put your hands on the vehicle, boy, I need to check you for weapons."

"Come on, man, I don't have any-"

"Put your hands on the vehicle!"

"Yes, sir!"

I trembled fearfully as the big man came up behind me. At a little over 6 feet I wasn't short, but this guy was enormous! He must have had 5 inches and 70 pounds on me and was at least twice my width. I'm athletic but more thin and wiry, so I felt vulnerable as hell near this muscled giant.

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