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⚠️tw⚠️: mention of death of a loved one

Hi, I'm Andromeda sky. Andy to my friends, and a new member of danger force, Well not yet. Let's starts from the beginning shall we.

3rd pov:

Its a normal night at the sky residents,
Andy is on the couch watching the newest episode of the flash. Imra is at the table doing school work, and Erica is making dinner. Aaron was at work so they all thought. A knock was heard on the front door.

Erica yelled "DeeDee can you get that?" she said yes walking to the door.
She opened the door to find the chief of police mr. Chuck and detective William who was her fathers partner,that she called uncle Willie cause he's her dad's best friend and Godfather. they had a look that radiates bad news.

Andy's pov:
"Mr.Chuck, Uncle Willie what are you guys doing here??" I said giving both a hug.

"Hey bug, is your mom home? " asked uncle will.

"I heard my name?" Mom said walking towards us.

"Erica you might want to sit down its about Aaron." Mr.chuck said. my moms face changed fast.

"Imra come take your sister upstairs now." my mom sounded upset and serious.

"wha no fair I wanna know what up with dad" I whined.

"Andromeda not now" she said sternly. Uh oh. I said to myself. With that me and Astra went "upstairs". We actually made it sound like we did but we were really hiding to listen to the conversation.

Ericas pov:
"Erica, something happened to Aaron and its not good." Hearing those words made me freeze.

"He's gone erica. He was in a crossfire with some perps and he didn't make it" will said tearing up. By then I was in tears sobbing.

"Daddys gone" Andy said coming downstairs. I didn't even get mad that the girls disobeyed me.

"Yeah bug" will told her. Both the girls and I were in tears. I just held the 2 close.

Nothing was the same again

Damn is it bad i cried from my own writing.
Also sorry if this was upsetting for some. I don't extend to trigger anyone on purpose
Stay beautiful loves,
Word count:343

☆𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕖𝕕☆《Chapa Desilva x Oc》Where stories live. Discover now