chapter 7: more than friends?

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Chapa Pov:
I opened my door and I saw the beautiful girl I had kissed earlier today. "Hey what are you doing here?"

"I can't come see you?" She said with a sad face.

"No i-i mean of course you can, just gah get in here you." I said said gently grabbing her arm. She just giggled. She sat her bag down and took her shoes off,while I sat down on my bed.

"You have a nice room." She said

" thanks" i said.

"So are we going to talk about yknow." She said
"the kiss?"I asked she nodded looking down.

"Did you really mean what you said" she asked. And I used two finger to make her look at me.

"Every single word, did you?"

"Mhm" she said shyly.

"This is an interesting little relationship you and I have huh?" She just giggled.

"So are we more than friends, I mean I don't want to just assume. Cause that's rude, and I really like you more than a friend but I don't know if I had the wrong impression and i" I cut her off the cute ramble by kissing her. I pulled back

"I really like you more than a friend as well So, Andromeda sky will you want to be my girlfriend?" I said

"I would love nothing more chapa desilva" she said. And she basically tackled me into a hug we were both laughing a bit. I then pulled her into a kiss more passionate than last time. We started to make out till we both pulled away to breath and she cuddled up next to me. I spoke

"hey what happened with your Uncle Tommy you seemed a bit anxious for your mom to get home, and I would have stayed but ray just Had to call us in."
She laughed

"we just mainly sat in silence till she got home, and I found out that she used to be the superhero shadow. Once she settled down with my dad she stopped. So I got my powers from her, yeah one crazy ass afternoon" I sat there in shock cus shadow is still my favorite superheroine, and now my girlfriend is shadows daughter.
"I can't believe that my girlfriend is the DAUGHTER my favorite hero,Well my second favorite cause I'm hanging out with my favorite one right now"i said.

She blushed and said "oh stawp"


OFFICIALLY OFFICIAL. I love this chapter
so much anyways. Till next time,

Stay beautiful loves

Word count:433

☆𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕖𝕕☆《Chapa Desilva x Oc》Where stories live. Discover now