Chapter 8: come back to me Pt.1

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3rd person pov:
Its been a couple months since chapa and Andromeda became official. With those few months a lot has happened already. Danger force got unmasked to their moms. Chapa went to jail a few times. bose learned to speak baby goat. Miles started a cult. mika.. nothing really changed with her she still fought crime but on her own, and Last Andromeda she's gotten better at using her powers and started on the swellview high dance team, and andy also joined danger force.

Andromeda pov:
Me and the gang were hanging out at hip pop pureé. We were talking about how little dynamite was going to unalive ray, And how he's not lil anymore. Then all of us got a alert of a robbery at a bank going down.

"bank robbery at swellview bank. Some dumbo triggered the silent alarms." Chapa said.

"Let's go kick some ass" I said we transformed and Awol teleported us there.

"Stop right there criminal. We're taking you in" Shout-out yelled

"Sure If you can catch me" the masked figure said. And supersped around us.
I started to chase after them and I got a hold of them until they pinned me to the ground and whammied me "sweet dreams dreamer"they said with a smirk and there eyes glowed white. And I was out.
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Chapas pov: I watched as the masked figure did something to andy and  With a flash of pink energy they disappeared

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Chapas pov:
I watched as the masked figure did something to andy and  With a flash of pink energy they disappeared.
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"Dreamer?!" I yelled and ran to hold her

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"Dreamer?!" I yelled and ran to hold her. She didn't respond. I gently smacked her cheek to wake her up "come on love wake up please" I whispered to her.

"Volt we should get her to the man's nest." Brainstorm said. I just nodded and picked her up and we all teleported back to the man's nest.

"What happened?!" Schwoz asked as I set her on the sofa.

"Some masked asshole whammied andy and she won't wake up" I said walking towards the couch. Schwoz had a device in his hand scanning her.

"It seems she's a dreamstate, and she's stuck in her own mind. He says.

"Okay so how do we get her out." I asked . They all stay silent. "HOW THE FUCK DO WE GET MY GIRLFRIEND OUT SCHWOZ?!" I yelled.

"All we can do is wait chapa. It might be a couple hour,days, maybe even months." Mika says. I went silent and tears start welling in my eyes.

"Can't we somehow see what is going on in her mind? Do we still have the machine from when we sent Charlotte into Henrys mind to wake him up?" Ray asked.

"yes but I'd need to adjust a few things on it. For now we can watch and monitor her dreamstate."he replied.

"Get too it then" I said.

Part 2 coming

☆𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕖𝕕☆《Chapa Desilva x Oc》Where stories live. Discover now