chapter 1: the first meet

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Andys pov:
"Start of a new day world" I said walking to turn of my alarm for the morning and went to get ready.
The fit:

After getting ready

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After getting ready...
I went down stairs to see my sister doing work on her laptop. "poule mouillée du matin,(morning sissy)"I said.

"Morning Star, ready for school" she replied.

"Heck yeah, I have to help Missy with some stuff for rainbow club today, and I volunteered to show some new kids around this morning so I'm excited."

"Yeah I can tell don't go bouncing off the walls so quick." She said while I rolled my eyes at her.

Soon enough I hear a car honk outside its Missy." My rides here i gtg love ya!"I told Imra as I was walking out with my backpack in hand and phone.

"get in loser we're going to be late for school" she yelled.

"Yah yah" I said.
(At the school cause I'm lazy:/ )
Me and missy were on the front lawn bench at the school I was drawing a dream I had about some girl who she was I didn't know(yet). When missy nudged me to get my attention to see there were 4 teens around our age and a middle aged dude.

"New kids?" I asked her. She nodded and we went up to them. She opened the conversation.

"Hi you guys must be the S.w.A.G. kids and my guess you are the headmaster sir?" They all nod
"great well I'm missy O'Conner the student council president, and my vice-president Andromeda sky." She gestured toward me.

"hello, welcome to swellview Jr. High" I said with a welcoming smile.

"Well anyray have fun kids see you late" the dude says walking off getting stopped by the top mom squad i call them. We just ignored them
"okay.. so missy the tour", "yep" oh wait how rude of me we didn't let you all introduce yourselves" I said

"oh well I'm mika and this is my twin brother miles" mika said

"sup" he replied

"I'm bose hi" bose said all cheery

"what about you red?" Missy asked as I realized how gorgeous she was

"chapa" she said nodding. I could feel my cheeks warming up and cleared my throat.

"okay now we all know each other missy lead the way" I said still I bit flustered.

Sorry I took so long to update but I'll keep up with it. Stay beautiful loves,
Word count:413

☆𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕖𝕕☆《Chapa Desilva x Oc》Where stories live. Discover now