chapter 4: purpose

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Andromeda pov: next day at school.
( im to lazy to write what happened next)

"Hey ands" missy said waving me over to her and silver, her girlfriend.

"Missy, silver."I said. Silver nodded in response.

"What happened last night you were supposed to help me with rainbow clubs annual fundraiser?" Missy said.

"Well when I went to feed my cat I fell asleep and completely forgot to tell you."I lied because silver didn't know about my secret, And gave her a "why would you do that" look.

"Anyway we can meet up after-school today ofc" missy said I nodded and then the bell rang.

(Skip to class)

When I walked into class I saw chapa and I decided to avoid her as much as possible today. We were all assigned a project for the book "A dogs purpose" which i have read and watched the movie and cried over it.(it is a sad story but really sweet)
and just what I wanted Not to happen, happened. We got partnered together. Now I have to talk to chapa. She came over to start working and started working about yesterday.

"Hey, you good it seems like you're avoiding me. Is it about me zapping you cause I didn't think I had a choice"

I immediately started in."no its not. Can we just please get to work i have enough on my hands right now. I've already read the book so I can start on the presentation and you start the reading." She nodded.

Chapa Pov:
I felt bad about zapping her,but the fact that she is avoiding me feels worse. I kept glancing at her from time to time. Soon enough the bell rang and she shot up and went to the next class she had. Ignoring me. I was the last one in the classroom by now when I got snapped out of thought.

"aaaa young love reminds me of the good days." Mr.gates the English teacher said.

"What do you mean by that."I said confused.

"That girl likes you and you like her its obvious." He replied.
"pfft no I don't." I denied.

"honey I'm a Millennial gay teacher and former matchmaker in my day, I can tell when two people are destined for eachother. And my gaydar was through the roof when you two were talking."he said. I just rolled my eyes and left.

3rd person pov:
Its lunch time again and dforce were sitting together,miles selling lunch mika eyeing her new crush bose definitely jelly and chapa waiting for andy to get in. She finally saw Andromeda and she was with missy. She waved them over.

Andys pov:
Hey chapa and co. I said they all said hi.

"So mika can we talk about how sick your super scream is I mean #myEarswouldbleed. Missy said the 4 looked at me annoyed.

"What she know about me im not gonna keep it from her, also stop naming #'s. I said. She just rolled her eyes.

"Anyways the rainbow club co-presidents aka me and Andromeda for the fundraiser and I was wondering if you know d-force could work for security at the event yknow so no one can hate crime anyone there." Missy asked.

"Miss they are probably busy" I said.

"no, I'm sure we could see about that, right guys? Chapa said. They all nodded. I sighed and smiled at her and she noticed so she gave me a wink and I went extremely pink. I could tell she was smirking at my reaction.


Muwahaha so evil of me to cliffhanger yall.
Anyway I hope you guys like this if there is anything you want for this story please feel free to let me know. As always,
Stay beautiful loves,

Word count:638

☆𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕖𝕕☆《Chapa Desilva x Oc》Where stories live. Discover now