chapter 12:remember me

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Its been 7 years since Aaron sky was killed. Today has always been a hard day for Andromeda, she always looked up to her father. Andromeda stayed home from school today so chapa is worried about her. She knows andys dad died but Andromeda never brought up the date of course chapa was never going to push andy to tell her.
Mikas pov:
We are sitting in the front of the school just watching chapa anxiously pace back and forth."how long has she been doing that?."Bose asked we shrugged
"Its weird I haven't seen her this stressed since Andy was effected by the solarite."I mentioned which they agreed. Chapa sighs frustrated "I can hear you three and it's not helping. Andy hasn't been answering her phone all day and I can't stop worrying." She explained to us. "Chapa breath.she's probably has her phone off."I tried to assure her. "or she could be mentally preparing herself since SWPD is having the annual remembrance ball tonight and she has to sing, since it's been 7 years since her dad died today. the police chief announced it earlier today" Bose said like we all heard the news.
"Hold up it is the anniversary today, why didn't she say anything."miles asked confused. We all looked concerned. "That's it I'm going to check on my girlfriend." Chapa declared walking out of the room.
Andy's pov:
I was sitting on my bed petting powder. My Cat. With tears falling down my face. Suddenly I hear my window open and I see my girlfriend jump through it. "Hey babe." I say quietly. She walks over and sits next to me. "You had me worried sick DeeDee, why didn't you tell me about the ball tonight?" I give her a "are you serious" look. "It still feels like it was yesterday, and I can't eat or hardly sleep. Also the dream powers don't help my case" I started tearing up. She instantly pulled me into a hug. "I know it's hard but you can't suffer in silence. If I remember correctly it was you who said and I quote"you can't suffer in silence.if you do you never be truly satisfied." I looked at her confused. "I never said that."she sighed "Okay but in my defense, It does sounds like something you would say.  I just laughed at her. "Well since you are signing tonight shouldn't you be getting ready" she asked me and I looked at the time. I sighed and sat up. She just chuckled at me.
"I will meet you there okay Love." She got up and kissed my forehead. I nodded.

(Later that night)
I was in the car with my mom and sister on our way to the Ball. "It still feels like yesterday me, your father and you girls were all heading to the ball when you two were little." mom almost starts crying. I smiled and hugged her of course imra joined in the hug."looks like we're here." Mom says looking outside the window. The three of us got out a time.  I see my friends waiting for me at the entrance. And Chapa looks like she'll drool. I walk over to them smiling.
"You guys, you came here for me. So sweet."

"It was all chapa's idea actually."Miles spoke then chapa elbowed him.

"but we all pitched in, cause we know how important today is to you, and your important to all of us. So today is also very important to us" Mika explained.
I smiled at all of my friends.

"Well let's get in there. shall we mi amor?" Chapa holds her hand out and I gladly take it.
(A bit later)

3rd pov:
Andy and Chapa were dancing around when two familiar guys came up and Andy was happy.
"Uncle Willie, Mr.chuck.
Hi" she spoke.

"Hey bugs." Willie said.

(After talking cause I'm lazy)

"Excuse me everyone may I have your attention. I am Detective William Grayson,
And on behalf of the entire swellview PD thank you for coming out tonight. Tonight is a very important night. We are all here to honor our fallen soldiers. Such as my former partner Detective Aaron sky.
Aaron was a father, a husband, a son, and 7 years we have to say well as he would say. It's never goodbye, just always see you later. Enough sappiness from me. I'd like to welcome a special person singing for you all tonight. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome my goddaughter. Andromeda sky " Andromeda comes from the shadows

(After the party)
Andy's Pov:
We all were celebrating my performance in the man's nest. As hard as today is my friends and family helped me through it today.

"Y'know as hard as today is for me, my mom and sister. Being at the ball made me feel closer to him and I got to see Mr. Chuck so. What I'm saying is. Thank you all for being there for me I couldn't of done it without you guys." I spoke up.

We all group hugged. I'm so glad I met all my friends...

Hey you guys, I know it's been a hot minute since I updated. I've been busy with school and family things. This chapter in a way is very true to me. I lost my grandpa 5 years ago on Halloween and I have never been able to think about anything else in the month of october. so with that I say spend time with the ones you love especially grandparents cause you never know how much time you have with them.
As always.
Stay beautiful luvs

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