13. First Christmas

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Andys pov:
I was getting the Christmas decorations up in the man's nest when chapa, mika, miles and bose came up the tube. "Hey guys" I said and they all said hello back. I was going to get more candy canes for the tree and while I did that chapa came up behind me and gave me a hug. I giggled at her and turns to face her. "Hello to you too cheri." I told her while kissing her softly.

"Need help with anything" she asked me.
I gave her some candy canes."You can help put these on the tree"

When we were done with the tree we all sat down and drank hot coco.

As I sigh the alarm goes off.

"OH COME ON REALLY" I shouted.
I got up and stomped to see what was going on. "A disturbance at the-" i froze seeing where it was. I walked away in disbelief.

Chapa walked up to comfort me while mika went to see what was happening.
"The cascade waterfall? Why would someone go there?" Mika asked. Then chapas concerned grew and you could tell.

I started to tear up but go up and got into my suit. "Let's kick this persons ass for making hell on Christmas."
(Skip to the waterfall)

I got ready to fight.
"Who the hell are you and what do you want also of the days to make havoc,you pick Christmas really" I shouted at the man. He turned around and I gasped instantly tearing up. "D-dad..." it was him. "Star?"
In tears I ran up to him..

(Skip back to the man's nest)

"Are you sure thats him?" Miles asked

I nod. "I know my dad anywhere miles. Its him" I was so happy to have him back. I walk up to him "we have so much to catch up on" I said practically bouncing off the walls.

Just then my mom and imra come up the tube. Shouting where are they. Then they ran into the room. "Its really true. Aaron?" Mom said in tears. She ran up and hugged him.

I went up to imra and hugged her."its like a Christmas miracle" imra said. I nodded and  got an idea. We walked up to chapa and I introduced them. Of course imra gave chapa the "hurt my sister i hurt you" speech. I just sat there silently giggling.

"Hey babe, can I talk to you for a second?" Chapa asked me pulling me. To the side.

"Whats up?" I asked curious. I  just stood there waiting. She pulled out a little box.

"I know you said that it didn't matter if I got you anything but I did." She handed me the box.  When I opened it there was a necklace (necklace up top)

"Chapa, I love it thank you so much" I got a little teary, cause I was so happy. Not only that she got me this necklace but also that my dad was back somehow. It was a Christmas miracle. I hugged her then she put the necklace around my neck "its perfect chapa. Thank you." She nodded at me smiling. My dad came up to both of us.
"Oh dad this is chapa, my girlfriend." I was basically bouncing off the walls with excitement. He chuckles.

"Tesoro(Sweetheart) I know, I met her when you were Trapped in your mind remember?" I "oh"ed at him remembering.

(Time skip cause I'm lazy)
We were all gathered by the tree drinking coco and laughing. Suddenly my dad started acting weird. "Dad? Are you okay?" His eyes went white,and we all stepped away from him. He suddenly looked at me and imra and charged at us. I pushed imr a out of the way and he started attacking me like some zombie.

3rd pov:
Aaron was attacking Andy when bose levitated him off of her. Chapa zapped him and ran towards Andy checking for bruises and such. "Are you okay?" Chapa asked Andy. She nodded with a reply. Schwoz  scanned Aaron and they came to a verdict.
"Ayyy You guys. I have some bad news" he said in a panic. They all turned to him.
"What tiny gremlin" imra said. Andy smacked her sisters arm.

"One, rude. Two, this is and isn't your father." We all looked at him confused.
"What do you mean Schwoz? How is he not my father yet still is?!" Andy said in a panic. Chapa walked up behind her grabbing her hand to calm her down.

"This is aarons body and soul but it is also something else like a zombie" Schwoz explained. "Unfortunately the only way to ensure everyone's safety is to well kill him again" they all stood in shock and Andromeda took a step back shaking her head.

"NO I WONT LOSE HIM AGAIN!!" She shouted.

"DeeDee its for the best" Aaron spoke.
She looked at him with tears forming in her eyes. "Its not fair dad" she said her voice breaking. Aaron rubs her back hugged her tightly.

"Its whats required to keep you all safe my sweet girl." He told her with tears in his eyes. "My sweet Andromeda. I'm so proud of who you've become. And I will always be with you. And imra my beautiful asteroid. Always remember who you are and how far you've come. I love both of you girls so much." Aaron hugged his girls and looked over at Stella. "Estella my love. I need you to be the amazing woman I fell for all those years ago my love." He gave her a kiss and held the girls tightly.

"guys.. its time." Mika intervened. They all got up. Andromeda and Stella used their powers to dream Aaron away. Then he was gone. Again..

(Skip: Andromeda pov:)
I was sitting out on the man's nest patio when a hand was on my shoulder. I looked up and saw chapa holding a cup of hot cocoa. "How are you doing?" She asked me. I rested my head on her shoulder.
"I'm okay for now.." she softly smiled at me and kissed my forehead. "I know how hard that must have been for you dee.. you know I love you right" she asked me out of no where. I looked at her a bit confused.
"Of Course I do. And I love you too. Always." I gave her a small kiss. "Merry Christmas chapa." I said laying my head back on her shoulder. "Merry Christmas DeeDee.."


Phew has it been a hot minute.I know its February yall. But I have been busy. I will try update more. But there's some family losses happening right now. So bear with me.


☆𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕖𝕕☆《Chapa Desilva x Oc》Where stories live. Discover now