chapter 2: the new hero in town

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Chapa Pov:

I couldn't believe how beautiful she was, and the name wow the literal stars aligned. I have to say I wasn't really happy that we had to got to regular school at first but now damn, I'd love to stay forever.
She has such perfect green doe-like eyes, blonde hair in half-braided ponytails, and glasses that suit her well. Oh God I'm in love. I was so spaced out admiring her I didn't even realize that we were done with the tour. till missy began to speak.

Andy's pov:
"Well that ends the tour here any questions."they all shook their heads.
I checked my apple watch to see it was lunch time. "well we all best be heading to lunch i heard it was turkey gravy as an option."I said all happy, yet everyone gave me a weird look. "What. the turkey gravy is the best thing to happen to SJH since the principal added the music program back"
I said walking to the lunchroom . When we entered the room it turns out the guy who told me was lying so I had to have a ham and cheese sandwich instead. "So unfair" I said pouty. Missy patted my back and we sat next to the gang. They were saying something about how Benji smiling was a sign of aggression in chimpanzees.

"You all aren't wrong but Benji always smiles its annoying"missy said. I was just glaring at him for lieing to me.

"I'm about to give him a peice of my mind." I said standing up walking over to him.

"Oh hey andy." He said in fear.

"Don't hey andy me bucko, you lied to me about the food option today. Why? I asked glaring at him. He stay silent

"Je veux te frapper si fort que tes arrière-petits-enfants le sentiront. tu parles petit con" i said going off on him (I'm gonna smack you so hard your great grandkids will feel it. you speky little git) missy came up behind me to me
"ok leave the specky git, be drom." I huffed

"im watching you Benjamin" I sat back down and pushed my tray away from me.with a pout. Till I got a crime alert that toddler was at it again so I decided to go fight him. but I showed my phone to missy and she nodded. "See yall later i got to go feed my cat." I lied. Once I was alone I transformed to my alter-ego. "Stop right there toddler" I said.

"Who are you" he asked

"they call me dreamer, but I'm your worst nightmare"i said with a smirk and blasted him with an energy blast
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"they call me dreamer, but I'm your worst nightmare"i said with a smirk and blasted him with an energy blast[Like this]

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They were all knocked out and i was freeing all the hostages when danger force and captain man showed up.

"Who are you"volt asked all snarky

"oh just a friend" I said with a smile. See yall around i said as i speed behind them to the ally. When I didn't see them I started walk away when I heard a sparking sound and it hit me then everything went black.

This is so much fun to make yall
Stay beautiful loves.💖💖💖
Word count:547

☆𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕖𝕕☆《Chapa Desilva x Oc》Where stories live. Discover now