chapter 3: surprised

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Chapa Pov:
"Volt what the heck she was helping us!" Shout-out yelled

"sorrey" I said sarcastically.

"Doesn't matter now let's get her to the man's nest" captain man said and awol teleported us back with the unknown girl in my arms cause I zapped her so I have to carry her Shout-out told me. We ended up taking the mask off her.
It was Andromeda I couldn't believe my eyes.

"woah andy is the new hero in town"
Bose said

"apparently..."I said In awe to be honest with myself. She had started waking up. So ray decided I should talk to her first.
"Why me?" I asked
"Because your scariest of us all" ray replied. I just rolled my eyes

Andy's pov:
I started to wake up adjusting my eyes to the light of the unknown room. I shot up off the bed panicking.
"Hey. Calm down your okay" volt said walking towards me.

"Where the hell am!?" I said
"the man's nest Andromeda" she replied

"whaaa whos Andromeda I don't know a Andromeda" I said triping over my words.she just gave me a "you being serious" look relizing my mask was off i started to tear up and hyperventilate
"great my first mission and I fuck up again why can't I do this right" I said belittling myself.
"Hey shh don't say that,look at me" she said and I couldn't look i was scared. I heard this blowing noice and a blue and green light flash. And when I looked up instead of volt, I saw chapa.

"C-chapa?"I said in disbelief.

she just smiled. "Hey"

I was calmed down now. Then, mika,miles, bose and the dude that dropped the four off this morning appeared.

"Hey andy" mika said i just smiled a bit.....TBC

Hey yall sorry I'm not posting that much I've been busy with things I'm trying to post as much as I can.but till next time
Stay beautiful loves,
The_trauma_mama 💖💖💖

Word count:305

☆𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕖𝕕☆《Chapa Desilva x Oc》Where stories live. Discover now