14. A blast to the past

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3rd pov:
Danger force was fighting the time jerker again, and he was working on this time machine. Of course, he had to monolog.
"Just give up now, time jerk," Dreamer spoke, getting ready to fight him. "It's Time Jerker." he whined.
I know, I was being disrespectful, " I said in a mocking way. (get the reference?). After some fighting, danger force suddenly gets pushed back into the device.

future chapas pov:
I was in the man's nest working on some planning for mine and andys wedding. mika was helping me, and the boys were playing ping pong. Andy was at work today, so It was pretty boring without her. the gang and I suddenly heard a portal like thing open and then groaning noises. we all turned around and saw what looked like our younger selves.

present andy pov:
we were pushed through the time jerkers machine, and I was the first one to get up from the floor. "God damn it, Miles, did you have to land on my back pour l'amour des pommes de terre (for the love of potatoes *yes potatoes deal with it UnU*) I yelled. then I looked around and saw four people who looked shocked when they saw us. "Uh guys, you might want to see this." I said in pure shock. "Are they who I think they are?" A taller dude said he kinda looked like Miles but older. in fact, they all look like older versions of danger force. minus me sadly. the older looking, mika just nodded, still shocked. "uhm, I think you should call. You know who C" older Miles said, then the older looking chapa went to call someone. I was starting to freak out, and I ran back over to chapa. " je suis presque sûr que ces gars sont plus âgés que toi et moi et je flippe" I shouted out. then she put a hand on my shoulder. "In English DeeDee." I took a deep breath and started to speak again.. "I'm pretty sure these guys are older versions, you guys, and I'm freaking out." Then we all turned over to look at them.
"Yup, that's definitely Andromeda Sky, alright." The older version of chapa spoke. I glared at her. "Comment connais tu mon nom."("How do you know my name?!") "she definitely wouldn't forget what the woman she loves does when she panics. I still can't believe I do that." A girl that looks like an older version of me comes up the tube. "Holy shit," chapa mumbled.
(Later, after they all decided to chill)

"So, future me, what do we do for work? she laughs a bit at my question.

"we are actually an elementary school teacher." I sat there silently.

"Really?!" she laughed at me. "No." I sighed in relief. as much as I am good with little kids, I don't do well with working with them for a long time. "we actually are a-" older mika stopped her.

"dadadada. no, she can't know, it could affect the entire world as we know it. yknow the butterfly effect." we all nodded, and I slumped down.

"sucks to know mika being a party pooper doesn't change at all." I said a bit pissed off.

"Heyyyy!" they shouted out in unison. I threw my hands up in surrender.

chapa pointed out a ring on older me's hand.
(pictures up top you can choose)"Uhm, i-is that what I think it is," she stuttered. older me looked at her hand then at older chapa smiling and nodding.
mika shrieks with excitement
both me and chapa were blushing hard.
I literally just hid in the crook of chapa's neck.

"So what else is different here?" mika asked

"I'm smart... I think.. I don't really remember.." Order bose said. older mika just like at him with a smile and a loving look. yet their not together.

"mika, it looks like you traded some of your brains for those muscles over there in the future... that's a shity deal.." I said nonchalantly. I got a death glare from her, and I just smiled like nothing happened. me and mika have my own type of friend language. sarcastic comments are on that list. Honestly, it is in any of my relationships regardless of how close I am to them.

suddenly, the same type of portal opens up, and Schwoz and Ray are on the other side.

"It's weird seeing Ray and Schwoz without gray hairs," older miles said, and the others agreed. while older me took a photo of the guys. we looked at her, confused.

"Oh come on its not every day we see those bosos look like they did back then. Plus, I plan on making Ray question his hair choices." Older me explained.

" Well, this is it, I suppose... bye future us," mika said. with that, we were back in 2024.

(Later that night at chapas House/3rd pov:)
chapa and Andromeda were just laying on chapas bed cuddling. when Andy starts talking.

"Which one of us would propose first in the future, do you think? cause I am still amazed and happy we are still together in the future."
Andy rambled

"Mmm, probably me hun. but I am just glad we still are strong, and I could ask for nothing more to know that one day you will be Andromeda Estelle desilva." She explained that the last part made Andy very flustered, and chapa just laughed and kissed her forehead.


hi luvs, I am so very sorry for the wait, but I am here now. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the references. and happy April, 19th yall
I hope you all have a wonderful morning, afternoon, evening, or night. as always..


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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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