chapter 10:come back to me Pt.3

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3rd person pov:
Schwoz come through the door with a machine and starts talking.
"Okay I got it all fixed now we need someone to go in and wake her up."

"Whos gonna do that?" Bose asked.

"Me, its my fault she got whammied so I'm gonna be the one to get my girlfriend out of her mind" chapa said. with that they got andy on the the one side, and chapa whispered to her. "I'm going to get you back love." And sat on the other side of the machine.

"Remember we need to scare or frighten her out of her dreamstate. Be careful"
She nodded at schwoz and put the headset on.

Andys pov:
Dad was showing me the memories of him and mom, and with me and imra. And lastly there wedding photos.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be there for you in person but when your special day comes I will be walking you down that isle no matter whom you marry they have my blessing."dad said.

"Thank you daddy" I said squeakily tears falling down my face. And I turned around to see a familiar brunette that I love so much.
"Chapa?" I said running towards her.

"DeeDee" she said smiling at me. Which I of course returned. I helped her up and she instantly rapped her arms around me. I giggled at my loving girlfriend. [What andy didn't know is that in the real world she's been in her mind for two days,she only thinks its been two hours.]

"hey come meet someone" I said pulling her with me.

"DAD, this is chapa my girlfriend i was telling you about." I said smiling ear to ear.

"Hello chapa, I just know you'll take care of my shooting star won't you?" My dad asked and she nodded before turning to me.

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" I nodded.

Chapas pov:
We sat next to the waterfall and I spoke.
"Drom I don't think this will work out anymore." I said in a annoyed tone. She look heartbroke.

"What i don't understand. Did I do something wrong?" She said stuttering.

" your just too naive and trusting, I never liked you it was all fake." I lied. She had tears rolling down her face with disbelief on her face.

"No i-i don't get it. You told me you loved me?" She said. She tried grabbing my hands. I pushed her away.

"don't you see i never loved you. You never existed to me." I said walking off regret everything wishing she'll forgive me.
And I was pulled back to the real world.

Andy's pov:
I was a sobbing mess she lied to me. I turned around and my dad was gone to.

"Dad? DAD?!" I yelled out. I started to hyperventilate and my vision got blurry. The next thing I see is black for the next minute. Till I shot up off a bed gasping for air.

"Hey shhh your okay I got you." I heard her.

"Chapa, Wha i don't understand?!"I said in confusion

"I will explain everything my love i got you" she said pulling me into a hug

"What do you mean your love you said all those things to me and just left me" i started in before she cut me off

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"What do you mean your love you said all those things to me and just left me" i started in before she cut me off

"I had to scare you to wake you up I didn't mean any of the stuff I said."she said explaining everything.

"So that wasn't even my dad it was all in my head." I said thinking about it. She nodded. "It felt all to real." I said.

"Let's get you home shall we?" She said I just nodded

*Time skip*
Me and chapa were laying in my bed cuddling I was silent the whole time and she definitely noticed.

"Do you want to talk about it?"She asked me

"Mnm"i said buying my head into her neck.
She just sighed

"That too bad I was going to give you kisses if we did but oh well" darn my weakness. I shot up and she laughed before going back to the topic.

"whats wrong love talk to me."

"foine I'm mad at you and hurt at the same time. You tricked me to thinking I lost you and you thought there was no other way."
I said pouting. She rolled her eyes.

"Dee I told you I thought it was, we spent two days Brainstorming ideas on how to wake you up. I thought I was going to lose you, and I couldn't deal with the thought of that." She explained.I felt bad for her and hugged her. As promised she gave me a bunch of face kisses making me giggle. And we went to sleep cuddling.

So adorable I give myself a pat on the back
Stay beautiful loves

☆𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕖𝕕☆《Chapa Desilva x Oc》Where stories live. Discover now