chapter 6: hurt

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Andys pov:
We arrived at nacho ball and saw a guy who looked familiar but I couldn't remember why.

"Stop right there criminal" volt said.
He turned around and he looked directly at me and spoke "well well its been a long time little one" then I realized who it was and said

"Uncle Tommy" he simply nodded i rn up and hugged him.

"I'm sorry to make this big fuss but I needed to find a way to get u to come so I figured why not fake a crime huh" he said

"not cool dude,let's talk somewhere else" volt said and looked at me. I nodded

"let's go Tommy" she said and we Portaled my house. (Skip time a bit)chapa had left and my mom was home. She spoke up

"how long ago did you get out Thomas?"

"Last week, and when I saw the new hero in town I immediately knew it was Andromeda. She takes after you yknow" he said.

"What do you mean uncle Tommy?" I asked he looked at my mom and said
"you never fucking told her?"
"I didn't think its was time."
She said

"Erica either you tell her or I fucking will she must know."he said

"mom what are you not telling me" i asked her.

"Sweetie sit down." I was sat and she sighed "Sweetie you aren't the only one who has powers in this family, before I married your dad I was known as the super hero shadow. I'm where your powers come from" she said I was hurt
"WHAT!? you mean you have fucking lied to me for years about who you Were, did dad know or Imra know" she just nodded i was getting teary "why did you lie?" I asked

"to protect you im so sorry I didn't tell u sooner" she said. I forgave her in that moment
"You know erica you should help her with her powers, if she's like Aaron she is kind of how do I put it gently. A slow learner with combat" he said just I glared and she nodded and said.
He's not wrong dee
I then rolled my eyes.
"Well Is it alright if I spend the night at chapas, mum?" She nodded
"I'll give you a ride little one" uncle Tommy said and I went to grab my bag and out the door we went. (On the drive) "so chapa is the red superhero correct " I nodded.he laughed
"what so funny" I asked.

"You just remind me of your father when he first met your mother. I believe he said it was love at first sight." He said

"what is it that obvious?" He nodded. We soon arrived at her place. I got out and waved bye to my uncle he said

"have fun,but not too much fun" I shushed him.

I knocked on the door and a women who my guess is chapas mom opens the door.
"Hi Mrs desilva im Andromeda one of chapa friends from school she asked me to come over to work."

"Of course come in she has told me about you and please call me Alejandra." I got red hearing she talks about me.

"She upstairs and its The second door to the right." She said I thanked her and went upstairs and knocked on the door.

woah plot twist we all probably saw coming.
Stay beautiful loves 💘
Word count:560

☆𝕆𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕟𝕖𝕕☆《Chapa Desilva x Oc》Where stories live. Discover now