Lets go to the beach

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this chapter probably wont be as good as later ones i promise it will get better once it gets to the metakyina clan. I promise it gets better, I say this because I notice that half the people that read this chapter don't read anymore but I would like to tell you the next chapter has the most votes of them all. Enjoy😘

Y/n's pov

I am y/n the second child of the Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk of the icelactia clan way up in the mountains (this is the only snow covered place on pandora) my family has an annual visit to the metakyina clan on the sea. This year we were staying at the reef longer than normal for some reason my parents would say "its a surprise".

I was just packing my things, pretty much my thinnest coverings. I dont wear traditional na'vi clothing in front of others, i cover up everything only my parents and brother know my "true colors" as they call them. I dont have to cover up my parents gave me the choice to stop covering once i reached age 13, obviously i choose to continue covering not even my parents know what i look like anymore. Only my brother knows. Well you see i dont look like typical ice people.

Ok let me just explain what ice na'vi look like. Males are larger and more muscular than the other types of na'vi, so they can trudge through deep snow easier. Females however are smaller  than typical na'vi females so they can somewhat walk on top of the snow. I have the normal female build; small but strong. Ice na'vi have grey skin with white stipes, black wavy hair usually in some type of style such as dreads or braids, long thick lashes to keep snow out of our eyes. And big greenish eyes. I however dont have any of the listed other than the long thick lashes and greenish eyes though mine are way lighter green than the others.

Its kind of odd that im insecure about my appearance as my brother Tero says that im quite beautiful. Anyway i have really blonde hair, and for some reason i have paper white skin with baby blue stripes. I just dont want the others to make fun of me

"y/nnnnnnnnn!" mother shouts.
"what" i yell back.
"have you finished packing its almost time to leave"
"im almost done"
I walk to my parents waiting outside by the herwìts their full name is herwìtskxepay but we just call them herwìts anyway they are kind of like ikrans but way bigger, deadlier, and have feathers. I loaded my stuff onto my herwìt called Anari.
The journey is long which means it is a great time for Te tohatoha o toku ora (sharing of life)

Well first off you might notice the name y/n does not sound na'vi at all. Thats because its not its a earth name. Before i was born some sky people called "scientists" came to our clan for reseach, the sky people were there for a while though they left before i was born. To remember the sky scientists they named me after the head researcher y/n. I grew up with alot of earth things, i sang and danced to many earth songs, learned English at a young age. But other than that my childhood was pretty normal.

The fly to the metakyina clan is a 2 day long flight one we reached normal altitude we land and set up camp for the night. I always have my own space do to my oddness.

"hey girl" my brother says entering my tent.
"Kia tupato someone might see" i had my covering off and was now relaxing in my tent.
"i know i know, i was careful i always am around you" he says
"thats a lie" i whisper yell
"nope i would die for you, literally"
That does not surprise me Tero has always been protective of me, sometimes way more than i would like but hes my big brother and thats what big brothers do.
"ok you need to leave so i can sleep" i shout at him
"chill chill im leaving hivahaw nìmwey" (sleep well)
I woke up in a cold sweat late at night
"He aha tetahi atu txopunil?" (what the hell another nightmare?) i whisper to myself.
I have had nightmares more often than i would like maybe its normal but i really dont like it. Well going out for a late night fly with anari should help.

I ran quickly yet quietly through the trees to get to where the herwìts were. I let out my sing song call. I knew alot about the animals on Pandora, ikran listen to whooping bird like calls, ilu respond so clicks and whistles, herwìt come to notes of song. For me its a string of ah's that have diferent pitches. I called again this time she came.

Theres nothing better than soaring way above everything, herwìts can fly really really high because they are used to thin air from being high in the mountains. The wind whipped my uncovered hair around, my body which now is wearing traditional na'vi clothes feels alive. Its amazing up in the air, not wanting to hide who i am, just being me.

Though eventually i had to go back to the camp which i did and fell asleep. In the morning we packed up and started heading toward the islands. The journey was shorter than i anticipated, which was saddening and exciting at the same time. I wanted to find out why we were staying so long, but i quickly found out before we landed.

"brother do you see there are forest people here" i say to Tero
"yea i see them" he replied tense
"you can calm down they are just forest people, not demons" i chuckle to my brother.
"yea but that boy keeps staring at you" he says
my eyes trail over to the oldest of the  forest children, he was indead staring.
"well he does look around my age" i say trying to agitate my brother
"y/n no" he says shortly
Soon tsiryea walked over to me.
"y/n, how are you i have missed you" she says hugging me.
"ive been good what about you"
Aonung and Roxto say their hellos to my brother. Over the years we have made friends tsireya and i becoming really close her just being a year younger than me and yet shes taller, due to her not being icelactia.my brother and aonung have bwcome really close as well my brother being taller and stronger due to aonung not being icelactia.

Tonowari and ronal have showed up finaly
"i see you tonowari, i see you ronal" i say moving my fingertips from my forehead down my face.
"i see you" they repeat back to me.
My parents exchange greetings with their friends. And that's when i see it, toruk makto and neteryi step into veiw. "oh lord the forest children are obviously his and i was not polite what is he going to think" i thought to myself.
Tero saw me getting stressed out.
"hey, are you ok? Whats wrong?" he whispered to me.
"i just was not expecting to see toruk makto" i reply
He chuckles.
"why is this child all covered up?" jake asks my parents
"she prefers to hide away" my father responds.
Jake then bends down to my hight
"what is your name child?" he asks me
"my name is y/n, toruk makto sir" i say trying to be respectful.
"call me jake, but anyway, im not trying to make you do anyting uncomfortable to you but, you should embrace who you are no matter what you may look like, hiding away isnt the answer" he says
"well jake, im just way to different for people to understand and i dont think its best for me to show" i say trying to be polite.
"ok then" jake says.
"lets say goodnight to our guests and let them get some rest after their long journey" tonowari shouted.
We all left to our homes. Mine was obviously all to me whereas the rest of my family had to share. I fell asleep thinking about that Forest boy.

Netayams pov

I  saw these huge creatures land on the beach, with what appears to be ice na'vi.
"why are there ice people coming to the reef" i say to lo'ak
"i dont know, but i remember dad telling me about ice people that come visit quite often" he replies.
"then this must be a visit then" i say.
"yea probably" lo'ak whispers.
Then my gaze lands on the Olo'eyktan's daughter.

"why do you think shes covered up?" i say still watching the girl greet tsireya.
"maybe because shes just really ugly" lo'ak jokes.
"lo'ak thats not funny" kiri says.
"shes probably just different" i say.
Tonowari and ronal showed up exchanging hugs and greetings with them. Tsireya walks over.

"i can see you staring at y/n neteyam" she says to me.
"y/n?? Thats an odd name" tuk says.
"well i think its rather pretty" i say looking down at tuk.
"oh well shes a year older than me so that makes her only a year under age neteyam" tsireya says looking at me.
My father started talking to y/n, he looked caring and inviting towards the girl. Then he stood up.
"hey, tomarow you guys can meet them ok?" tsireya says to us.
"ohhhh, i cant wait" tuk squeals.
"lets say goodnight to our guests and let them get some rest after their long journey" tonowari shouts.

I watch as y/n walks away slowly to her beach home carrying her things. One thing is for sure tomorrow is going to be interesting.

Different from the rest ~ Neteyam sully x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now