Ice at the ocean

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Y/n's pov

The morning came sooner than i would like. I slept like a baby, the moment my head his the cot i fell asleep. I put on a light teal covering. I might not stand out as much. Every time i come at least one person decides to be mean about hiw i cover up, so maybe they wont be drawn ti me if i blend in. I walked out of my home to see tsireya.

"Rewon lefpom" i say to her.
"oh were you going to breakfast?" she askes.
"yea, i did not want to get up this morning" i exclaimed.
"yea me neither, yesterday I couldn't help but notice how neteyam couldn't stop staring at you" she smiles
"who is neyetam?" i asked
"eldest sully boy" she says plainly.
"oh yea, he stares at me but he doesn't know im watching because he can't see my eyes" i laughed.
"if he could see yoir eyes i bet he would stare into them all day, i imagine your eyes to be quite pretty" she says to me.

"oh? What else do you think i look like" i asked her.
"Well i always imagine you at our clan on the beach your grey skin shining in the sunlight, long wavy black hair, green eyes that shimmer in the sun, tail swaying back and forth, and recently i have added another person to that image" she says smiling.
"well one day when you see, you will see that you are very wrong" i say to her.
"can that one day be tomorrow?" she asks jokingly".
"maybe" i say.

"oh by the way, did you get a new covering, i have never this one before its pretty" she says.
"yea thanks, i had especially made for this trip" i said.
"it matches the sea" she whispered.

Once we arrived at my parents home, i saw my parents obviously, ronal and tonowari but for some reason the sully family was there to.
"y/n, tsireya finally you are awake breakfast is ready" my mother says.
"thank eywa, i am starving" tsireya says.
"y/n you are being quite, is everything ok?" my father asks.
All the attention in the room goes to me.
"yea, im fine obviously" i say sitting next to tero.
"Rewon lefpom sister" he says to me.
We do our secret handshake.
"Rewon lefpom skxawng" i joke to him.
"shut up you look like a teal ghost" he says back.
"terong be nice ro your sister" my mother scolds.
"T E R O tero not terong, tero" he corrects.
"no tero is your nickname, i will calk you terong when i am upset at you, am i clear?" she says anger rising in her voice.
"yes ma'am" he says with an eye roll.

Everyone was laughing.
"i swear to eywa that child will be the death of me" my mother says jokingly.
I see neteyam looking at me again, his eyes searcing me for any type of facial features. He wont find any, the fabric is made especially so nobody can see through.

"i am gonna punch that boy if he keeps looking at you" tero whisper yells
"what? Why?" i say very confused.
"you are my teal ghost, not his to make fun of" he whispers anger threatening to come out.
"how do you know he just wants to make fun of me?" i asked.
"i dont know, its just lots of the people who dont stop staring are the ones that eventually make fun of you, and i dont like when people make fun of you" he says calmer this time though.
"oh, just dont stereotype people who look at me please" i say jokingly.
"alrighty then" he says with a goofy smile.

After breakfast all the kids when to the shoreline. The eldest sully girl walked up to me.
"hi im kiri" she says in a cheerful tone.
"oh hi im y/n" i replied trying to match her energy.
"i love your covering" kiri says.
"yea, isn't the teal color so pretty" tsireya chimed in.
"thank you" i reply.
"it matches the ocean" kiri says.
"thats what i said this morning" tsireya smiled.

"why do you cover up anyway?" the youngest sully child asked.
"tuk!" kiri said sharply. "that could be personal"
"no its fine" i say.
"then why?" the little girl called tuk asks.
"well im just different" i say.
"i am different too" lo'ak says wiggling his five fingers.
I look down at my own four fingers.
"yea im different in a different way" i manage trying not to be confusing.
"well me and my siblings are all different really" neteyam says, gesturing to his dark blue skin, blazing amber eyes and his tail.
"well you guys are forest people and you look like forest people, the only thing that makes you different is your location" i said firmly.
"hey i am different" kiri says then she proceeds to control the movements of fish with her hands.
"ok well i am visually different from my species, internally and mentally i dont know if i am different or not" i say sadly.
"physically you look normal; your short" aonung jokes.
"why are you so short?" tuk asks.
"because..." i start.
"because female icelactia need to be able to somewhat walk on the snow, so they dont have to trudge through deep snow" aonung finishes.
"you pretty much nailed it" i say laughing.
"then males are huge so they can trudge through deep snow with no difficulty" neteyam says joining the conversation.
"yup you nailed it to" i say still laughing.

Different from the rest ~ Neteyam sully x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now