Its my lucky day

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Three days later

Y/n's pov

It has been three days and neteyam has not let me go anywhere, it is driving me insane. So i am going to sneak out tonight without him knowing. My day went by fast, it mainly condisted of swimming and feeding animals. But anyways i skipped dinner in order to leave. I had already ate anyway, dinner was going to be well after eclipse tonight and i was hungry so i ate early. Everyone was at dinner including neteyam so maybe i could sneak away without him knowing.

There were no lights other than my parents home, because everyone was sleeping. I dabbed mud over my 'glowing freckles' so nobody would see me. I was also not wearing a covering so if someone saw a silhouette, they would not think it was mine. I could hear laughing coming from my parents home, i heard my mothers, tsireyas and neteyams laughs. Which was good. I walked into the woods i made the plants glow with every touch every step. I went to a nearby stream to wash off my mud. Then i went to the beach amnd called to my ilu, nobody other than my nrother knew that i had an ilu. I clicked my toung against the roof of my mouth and she came.

I always rode bare back, it was easier that way. Everytime i take her out on a swim, we always go to the middle of the reef and dive. We play around the coral, and watch the glowing fish, my blonde hair flowing with the tides. I noticed the fish acting different and the tides getting stronger. I arose to the surface, to see it storming. I called to my ilu only to see her leaving for the safety of home. I gotta admit the waves were really high everytime i went up for air the waves pushed me down. I swam up so close to the air only to get pushed down again. The large waves crashed down on me causing a deep gash in my side, but i dud not care i was blinded by fear. I was going to drown. The waves pulled back and i was able to get air, only to see a giant wave headed straight at me. Lighing and thunder all around me, the rain thank eywa for rain washing the salt from my eyes. But the wave crashed down and it crashed down hard pushing me deep, myentire back scratched on the coral and rocks. My foot was stuck in a coral, i desperately tried to get it free. My ankle was all scraped up and bloodied. When i saw all the blood i realized i was in more danger than i thought. The blood would attract giant monster fish, speaking of the devil here comes one now. I kicked at the coral and i squirmed around, i think my ankle broke in the process. But eventually i was able to break the chunk of coral away from the rest. Now i just had to escape the demon fish without being drowned by the storm, and i had a broken ankle with a chunk of coral stuck around it. Not to mention the other deep cuts, basically i was bleeding out, drowning and being hunted at the same time. Wow its my lucky day. I gasped for air above water only to be pushed down by the waves, making several more deep wounds. I swam away from the fish into a cage of coral. Lo'ak tolde that he did this once to hide from a monstrous fish, so i think i might just try it out. The waves making my body move like crazy under the water. The fish circled my coral like a viper wolf circles its prey. At this point i was pretty much deciding between to ways to die, bleed out and drown or become dinner to a killer fish. I personally thought the first option was better so i was waiting out in my coral cage, waiting to die.

The fish was still there and i was still alive.
"poha (shit)" i cursed under the water.
Why cant i just die, drowning was taking to long so i decided the killer fish would be the best option. I swam out of my coral only to find the fish swam away, because he got bored of waiting. I continued to try and get to the surface, it was no use. The waves were getting worse. But the good thing was, i am currently trying to survive, i was done trying to give up. Lightning hit the water and lit everything up in bright white. I got to the surface for a single gasp of air. I was pushed back down, down deep, getting more and more wounded as my time went on. Even though i was under water the waves still tortured me, pushing me deeper before i could get air. On the rare occasion i did get to breathe, i would get pushed into the coral, more cuts and deep wounds. That chunk of coral still around my ankle. Moving up and down scratching at my skin. It hurt bad and it was heavy on my leg.
I swam towards the deep ocean away from the reef, away from the crashing coral. Once i reached there it was all down hill. 10x Larger waves, 5x bigger fish, but less coral. The huge waves did not allow any air at all. My best bet was to try and get back to the reef. I did not care if i was getting scratched up 24/7, at least i could get air. I could see the coral coming into view, thank eywa. But still all my decisions we bad i got to the reef, all i got was a quick gasp of air before i was pushed far down into the rocky bottom. I swam for another quick gasp of air. This was the wrong move, the largest wave i had seen this entire time headed straight for me i went under the water, only to float back up. The wave crashed down, my head hit a rock hard. Black. Everything went black.

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