No way

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Y/n's pov

I woke up on the hard floor. It was still dark out and i was cold, and hungry. The last thing i ate was that small fish yesterday. I sat up and everything hurt, and it hurt bad.I think i am going to put new bandages on my wounds. I took the old bandages off, and the wounds were terrible i can honestly say i dont know if i will make it back to the metekyina. The cuts were deep and some of them were still bleeding. I got up to grab more leaves and two new sticks. I wrapped my torso with extra layers due to the coral wounds on my back and viper wolf scratches on the front. Then i did my ankle, it was getting worse. Lets just say if i make it back i will be stuck in the teneti whakaora (kind of like a hospital) For a long time.

It was still dark outside so everything was glowing naturally, i was too but it was not my cool pattern that was glowing it was my normal freckles. I could not see so i put my hand up and said.
"you know a light would be helpful, light please"
Then my hand lit up. No way. Well u turned off my light and continued on my way, because i did not want to draw unnecessary attention.

I was all patched up so i stood up and started walking.  I started humming again, i started glowing, my pattern was beautiful blue, white, purple, green. That thing popped into my head again.
Ko koe te marama o eywa.
What does that even mean, i was raised with english so i am not as fluent in na'vi as i am in english. Soon the places where i was stepping made glowing spirals on the ground. It was pretty and i felt amazing, i almost forgot about my wounds until i tripped over a rock and made my ankle hurt even more. I sighed out in pain, i hissed at nothing then i had to rewrap it again. When i looked at my ankle i was horrified. It was bloody, the original coral rubbed ring was infected and bleeding, the entire thing was swollen and bruised, it was definitely broken.

I made a fresh brace for it. Once i was done i stood up, brushed myself off and continued on my walk. My plan was to walk down the beach, then into the trees. Then i will go to my family's  home and hopefully tero will be there to get me a covering.

I am thinking that i will take a quick break to figure out my glowing thing that i got going on. I was calm and the glow comes, i have a strong emotion it goes away. I sat on the ground a glowing spiral underneath me. My pattern was glowing and i just focused on the rock infront of me. Then it got bright like a ray of sun moved and lifted the rock, exept i was controlling it and i crushed the rock into sand. No way. That made me tired, but i wanted to get back to the village.

Walking again, well limping actually. My wounds were not getting better we can just say that. After a while i got bored of walking so i took a break. I am thinking maybe if i go in the water it wont hurt as much.

As i was entering the water i saw all the fish and pretty underwear things, it was relaxing. Once i was under the water i was calm, therefore i was glowing and the things i touched would glow until i took my hand off. I was amazing i have not swam during the day in a while. The teal waters shimmering in the sun. Its hard to belive that the ocean could go from this masterpiece to a dark killer. I take pride in surviving that srorm. Everyone probably thinks i am dead and my poor family will be heart broken.

I got out of the water and started walking. But my stupid ankle had to give out again sending me falling straight on my stomach. It hurt like hell, the wound was probably open again and bleeding. I honestly have no clue how i still have blood in me. But i tried to stand up and everyrhing hurt. I scrramed from the pain, hopefully nobody heard or they will think they are mental for hearing a dead girls scream. But i had to keep going there is noway i am letting some stupid injuries stop me from getting home to my family.

Different from the rest ~ Neteyam sully x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now