Do I have to go

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Y/n's pov

2 weeks later
It has been a month and it was time for us to go. I don't want to go I like it better here. I can go out alone and not freeze to death and these people know me better than my own people. I was packing up my clothes but nothing else because everything else like my home decor stayed for next time.

"y/n" my mom said walking in.
I turned away, I have been crying I don't want to leave.
"are you OK ite (daughter)" she asked.
"yea I'm fine" I lied.
"You are being untruthful to me, how come" he said sitting next to me.
"do I have to go" I said crying again.
She smiled "oh well your father and I need to get back to the clan" she said.
"but I'm not needed so can I stay" that is a matter for your father, tonowari and Ronal" she said.
"oh" I said sadly.
She left and I got back to packing.

"hey y/n do you wanna take a break from packing" Kiri said walking in.
"sure what do you have in mind" I said.
"well I thought we could go flying" she said.
"oh do you have your ikran still" I asked her.
"yea I do and she has been dying to have a fly,  also I really wanted to meet your herwít" she smiled.
"OK but be warned Anari can be a little feisty" I laughed.

We left and walked into the woods where we found the flying rides. Kiri made her birdlike call to her ikran and I made my sing songy call to anari.
"wow she's beautiful" Kiri said once she saw Anari.
"thank you so is yours" I smiled.
We mounted and flew off.
"I am going to be sad when you leave" Kiri said.
"same" I sighed.
"but you will be back right" she asked.
"yes either next year or in a few months" I said.

We were flying through the sky talking about all the things that happened this month. When lo'ak flew up on his ikran.
"flying without me? How rude" he joked. 
Kiri stuck her tongue out at him.
"that's rude, I will miss y/n too" he said.
"You better miss me" I said.
He rolled his eyes. We were just flying around showing off by doing tricks.
"y/n you are supposed to be packing" tero said flying up.
"yea no I got bored" I said laughing.
We all laughed.
"alright fine but only because I got bored of packing to, also I'm joining your flying party" he said.
"yea bro I don't wanna be the only guy" lo'ak said.
"cool" tero said flying around in a figure 8.
I showed everyone my coolest trick and none of them were able to top it. I guess when you go flying all the time to get some air you get good at tricks.
"just wait guys" lo'ak said as he dived down.
He came back up with tsireya riding with him.

"hey guys" tsireya smiled.
"lemme get someone" Kiri said and dived down.
She came back up with tuk.
"I wanna get someone" tero said.
He dove and came back up with aonung and roxto. He could carry both of them because herwíts are way bigger than ikran.
"there now we can have a goodbye party for tero and y/n" roxto said.
"what about neteyam? Shouldn't he be here to?" tuk whined.
"yea where is neteyam" I asked.
"he's probably busy helping dad with experienced warrior stuff but I don't know" lo'ak scoffed.
"yea he always acts like it's so amazing to do that stuff, but honestly I would rather do this" Kiri said.
"oh" I said sadly.
"awwwww you want him here don't you?" aonung joked.
"I mean wouldn't you want your FRIEND to be at you goodbye party" I asked.
"well yes but even if we were just hanging out on the beach and you weren't about to leave you would still want him to be there" roxto teased.
"so what" I rolled my eyes.

They spent a long time teasing me before we started playing tag. We were zooming back and forth flying away from the tagger. I know it's childish but whatever it was fun. Lo'ak was it and was chasing me around and around when I saw another ikran fly to us.
I saw it and it made my smile grow very large.

Neteyam's pov

Today is the day that y/n is leaving and I am going to find her some flowers. I know she likes flowers I have seen how happy she is when she finds a purple one. So I am going to get her a whole bouquet full of purple flowers. I went into the woods and looked. I understand why she got so excited when she saw then,  they were impossible to find. So far I have found 5 I want 10.

I could hear all the animals around me. It was really peaceful, I found another purple flower and I added it to the bunch. Once I had my 10 flowers I went back to the village to find y/n.

"dad have you seen y/n I want to give her these flowers" I asked him
"how am I supposed to know go ask her parents" he said and walked away.
"dentiri do you know where y/n is" I asked her mom
"well she is supposed to be packing but I doubt she is,  she is probably out doing something" she scoffed.
I think I will find her brother he probably knows where she is. I walked to his hut to find his clothes half packed.  Nope maybe my siblings will know where she is. I walked to my hut, no siblings just mom.
"hey mom do you know where Mt siblings are" I asked her.
"yea they left and went off somewhere" she said.
"OK" I said.
"oh Kiri came and grabbed tuk then flew off on her ikran" she smiled.
"thank you"I ran out.

I hopped on my ikran and started to fly around. Sure enough I found them. All of them. I flew up to y/n,  she was smiling.
"can I talk to you in private" I asked her.
"sure" she smiled.
"oooooh" the group mocked.
"shut up" y/n rolled her eyes.
"alright follow me" I said.
"let's go" she smiled.
We flew not very far but we landed in a tree with big thick branches easy to walk around on.
"these are for you" I said whipping out the purple flowers.
"thank you these are my favorite" she smiles taking the flowers.
"You know I'm really going to miss you y/n" I said.
"I will miss you to neteyam" she said sadly.
"You will come back and see me" I instructed.
"of course" she smiled.
I hugged her tight.
"save it for when I'm actually leaving silly" she said to me.
"why" I asked.
"be happy now not sad" she smiled.
"OK" I said.
"now come help me pack" she said.
We flew back to the village, why did she have to leave.

Different from the rest ~ Neteyam sully x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now