Get her

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Y/n's pov:

I woke up in the morning and went to go eat breakfast. I left my hut to find Kiri standing outside it.

"good morning Kiri" I said to her.
"good morning y/n, just making sure that you are still down for that girl's night" she asked.
"umm absolutely" I smiled.
"alright you can come over to tsireya's hut a little after eclipse" she said.
"OK" I smiled.
"You wanna get breakfast" she asked.
"yes I'm starving" I said over exaggerating.

We walked to the clan leader's hut.
"good morning y/n and kiri" ronal smiled.
I looked around the room.
"neteyam is not awake yet" Jake laughed.
I blushed and sat down next to my brother.
"how are you y/n I haven't talked to you in a while" tero smiled.
"I'm fine, I usually just hang out with neteyam" I said to him.
"your lucky I let him date you" he joked.
"let him?" I questioned jokingly
"yea nobody gets to fate my sister without my permission" he smiled.
I rolled my eyes.
"so do you have an eye for any girls" I asked him.
He shook his head.
"none live up to your expectations?" I asked.
"nope" he laughed
I rolled my eyes at him again.
"damn you roll your eyes a lot" he said.
I rolled them again.
"that's disrespectful to your elders" he smiled.
"oh so your old?" I rolled my eyes.

"You will be the death of me" he smiled and messed up my hair.
"heyyyy not my hair" I complained.
He laughed.
"don't laughs this hair took me all morning to do" I said.
"how morning is not over yet?" he joked.
"You know what I meant" I scowled.
"OK OK chill" he said.
"don't tell me to chill it won't make it better" I said angered.
"alright alright I'm sorry" he said holding his hands up.
"You better be sorry" I said.

"I am, so what have you and neteyam been up to" he asked.
"nothing much we go on flies a lot, and we go to our home and to our secret spot" I said.
"ohh a secret spot? Wanna tell your favorite brother where it's at" he asked.
"No it's a secret spot not a tell your brother where it's at spot" I said.
"fine" he said and turned back to eating.

Neteyam's pov

I walked into the hut to find y/n talking to her brother. I walked over to her.
"good morning Princess" I kissed her on the head.
"good morning" she looked up at me and smiled.
I admired her
"I know I'm so beautiful but you should eat some breakfast" she said.

"can I eat you for breakfast" I asked before thinking.
She blushed and looked down, tero snapped his head over to me. My dad let out a laugh.
"WHAT?" tero said sharply.
"nothing" I smirked.
"well that was different but I liked it"    y/n winked.
"ohhhh" Kiri said.
Lo'ak looked amused and tuk looked very confused. Dad and tonowari were trying to hold there laugher. Mom and ronal were unfazed.

"now eat something" y/n said to me.
"fine but can I have you for lunch" I winked.
She blushed and tero looked pissed.
We ate breakfast and there were not to many more conversations like that. I mainly talked to y/n the whole time. And I exchanged good mornings with my family.

After breakfast me and y/n left and went on a walk by the beach and we sat down and just talked.
"so do you want to tell me about your abilities I don't really know them" I asked her.
"well I can control the light and make it move things if there is not light it doesn't work but even starlight is enough for me" she said.
"oh how strong is it" I asked.
"not very strong yet" she said.
"oh how do you know this" I asked.
"well I haven't exactly stopped sneaking out" she said skeptically.
"OK be careful then" I say.
She smiled obviously relieved I wasn't mad.

"can you tell me more about spider" she asked.
"um sure" I said.
She looked at me.
"well he was a little shorter than you, with long blonde dreads, he saved his evil dad and we kicked him out for it and he probably went back o his dad" I said.
"oh" she said.

"we should start heading back its almost midday" I said.
"alright" she smiled.

Scout 1's pov

Me and my crew were crouching along the edge of the village we have been watching the girl all morning. We saw her go into a hut this morning and we have heard laughing all morning.
"s1 she is on the move" s3 says.
"follow her and don't be seen by the boy" I said.
"he looks like one of the sully boys" s2 said.
"yea the oldest boy" s3 said.

We sat and listened, these two were sitting on a beach talking.
"s2 record it" I said.
He pulled out his recording device.
They started talking about powers, this is what boss wanted us to find out.
Once their conversation was done we stopped recording.

"we need to take this to quaritch" s2 said.
"yea let's go" I said.
We were walking in the forest floor, winding along the trees and avoiding all threats. We made it back to base.

"boss, we have something good" I said.
"MILES! We have news" he yelled to his son.
The boy walks in.
"what did you find" miles asked.

Play the recording" I told s2.
He pushed a button and it played.
They were talking about how she cannot use her powers in pitch black.
"miles what do you think we should do?" quaritch asked the kid.
"well I can't help but notice the sneaking out part, but then again according to the tape that seems to be neteyam she is with so it might not be good to mess with her but we should still get her when she's sneaking out, my guess is around eclipse" he said.
"well you heard him... Get her"

Different from the rest ~ Neteyam sully x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now