Curiouser and curiouser

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Y/n's pov

I am scared, if neteyam saw he might not be nice to me anymore. He might join in with the others and call me freak. My over thinking started kicking in at full pace, what if he tells everyone and nobody other than my brother will like me.

Ok y/n just stay calm i thought to myself, i closed the flap to my home, under my covering i always wear traditional na'vi clothes. I took off my covering and looked in the mirror. The flap to my home opened.

"checking our selfs out i see" tero says to me.
"terong you skxawng, you scared me" I hissed.
"well sorry" he said with an attitude.
"dont you know how to announce your presence" i asked annoyed.
"ummmmm... Nope" he says smiling.
I roll my eyes at him. i reach for my teal covering that i was wearing earlier.
"noooooo, why do you keep covering up you are so pretty but with that you look like a ghost" tero whines.
"well ghost is better than freak" i say.
"whatever" he says and stomps out.

I avoided neteyam the rest of the day. I was not sure if he was going to make fun of me or not. I did not see him until the end of the day anyways. I wonder why. I just remembered something, kiri was talking about her 'powers' and how she can feel eywa. I want to try and see if i have 'powers' other than the ones i was born with. Well i actually dont think they count as 'powers' because every icelactia is born with the ability to emit heat. The thing about that is since we can emit heat when we are alone we are prone to cold. Icelactia need to travel in groups when we are outside in the freezing cold or else we could freeze. We rely on others emitions of heat to stay warm, and that is why even though we live in the cdest place on pandora we wear the same clothes as the other types of na'vi.

I was walking to my secret spot in the forest behind the village. I got to my spot, it was a large patch of flowers, all flowers. I sat down in the middle of the field, and took my covering off. The sun felt sooooo good on my uncovered skin. I decided that i would just relax and see what happens. My bioluminescent spots, glowed and my eyes glowed. During the day? I dont think that is really a cool thing but oh well. I continued to relax in the sun, the flowers smelled wonderful and there were birds chirping. Eventually i fell alseep.

I heard a sound, it sounded like a growl. I sat straight up and looked around, the plants around the clearing started brushing together. I had noticed that the butterflies that were flying around had left. The warming rays of sun were now hidded behind a cloud. There was another growl, this time it was closer. The host of the growl was threatening to reveal its self from the edge of the clearing. I stood up quietly but quickly, i wish i brought my bow, arrows and my spear. I have zero weapons and zero clue at what is hidden in the trees. I called out for Anari, she came but she had this alarmed look on her face and flew away. Then an enormous viper wolf emerged from the trees. He was probably the largest viper wolf i have ever seen. He bared his teeth and growled, he was hungry. I backed up slowly but he did not like that, he moved around to the side i was backing up to. He jumped on me, sharp claws digging into my back. I was screaming for help, neteyam showed.
"neteyam!!" i shouted.
He turned and looked at me.
"freak" he said than ran away.
I started crying, i thought he would help. Then i saw aonung.
"aonung!" i screamed not as loud though because the viper wolf was digging his claws into my body.
He looked at me "i liked you better covered, freak" he screamed.
He walked away. Then i saw tsireya.
I tried to yell but i could not for the viper wolf was on my neck. She looked at the wolf and ran in fear. The wolf slashed at my skin, pain coursing through my skin. The words of 'my friends' playing non stop in my head. Freak. Thats all i was, a freak unworthy of saving. The viper wolfs claws dug into my chest.

I screamed, then i sat up. It was eclipse and i was in my favorite spot all the plants were glowing, i was not hurt in anyway. I heard people calling my name.
It was my brother, neteyam and kiri. I grabbed my covering and put it on. One thought on my mind; stupid txopunil.

Different from the rest ~ Neteyam sully x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now