Boscha SFW alphabet

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A-affection (how affectionate are they? How do they show affection? What do they do when you return/start it?)
In front of her friends, she keeps her distance. Sometimes she'll hold your hand under tables, but that's it. Around Willow or Luz or Amity, she's showy. Not too showy, just "look, I have a partner too, and he's better than you, loser." Usually she'll put her arm around you and brag about you until she gets bored and guides you away. Away from people, she's lovely. She'll hold your hand more openly and kiss you in private. She doesn't give a steve about you returning or initiating so I'm not gonna touch that.

B-best friend what are they like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Skara definitely introduced you two. I'm just gonna tell you how it went down.
Glaring at each other from across the room
"Hey, Skara?" You questioned innocently. "How long do I have to stay here staring at this basic bitch?"
"Basic?" Boscha yells. "No way you're calling me basic with an outfit like that."
"Oh titan, here we go." Skara grumbles.
You two bickered back and fourth until you were both tired out. Boscha just looked at you and smiled.
"Y'know, I like ya. You stand your ground. I respect that."
You two now slowly strip away skara's sanity, the most outspoken boy and the most infamous mean girl are now best friends. The world is ending.

C-cuddles (do they like to cuddle? If so, how?)
On specific circumstances. It has to be in private and she has to be in a good mood. You'll lie curled up in a ball and she'll wrap her arms around you. It looks uncomfortable, but it's actually pretty nice.

D-dates (what are dates with them like? Do they have any favorite dating spots?)Shopping dates

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D-dates (what are dates with them like? Do they have any favorite dating spots?)
Shopping dates. Prove me wrong. There's also beach walks, star/cloudgazing, camping (if you force her) etc. . As one of those sassy popular kid couples, she probably takes them pretty seriously.

E-ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it? What would they do if you were the one to end it?)
In all honesty, I can't see her ending it at all unless you join Luz's gang. If you do, she'd go up yo you while you were talking to them, completely in rage, and just go "I see you've found your place among the losers. I hope you're happy. We're done, Y/N." If you were the one to end it, she wouldn't care. She'd simply get another partner. You weren't the first and you probably won't be the last.

F-food (can they cook? How would they like your cooking?)
Though extremely privileged, she can cook well. Not gourmet 5 star food. But she knows how to make pancakes from scratch and box Mac and cheese. As for your cooking, it depends on how good you are. If she doesn't like it, she'll say so.

G-gentle (how gentle are they? Both physically and emotionally.)
Emotionally, she's pretty chill, physically, she's pretty loud and aggressive. Around amity, she's physically and mentally aggressive. Around you, she's physically and mentally gentle.

H-hugs (to that like hugs? How do they hug?)
She hugs you in the halls to make sure people know you're together. She'll wrap her arm around you because obviously she can't walk around while hugging you, that would look weird. But, most times, she does it to be annoying. She'll go down and hug you at your waist so you can't move. Lil rat does it on purpose.

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