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362 4 8

Background info - Tubbo has been v busy working around Snowchester and barely has time to spend with Micheal and Ranboo, Ranboo hated that Tubbo was working so much, but they understood. (all platonic stuff )


Tubbo had been working on new buildings for Snowchester all day, and Ranboo was at home playing hide and seek with Micheal.

"Come out, come out where ever you are," Ranboo crept around the house, acting like he was searching for Micheal, but Ranboo knew he was hiding under his bed.

Ranboo crept into Micheal's room and heard tiny giggles from under the bed.

"Hmm, I wonder where he went," Ranboo looked around in fake confusion before ducking to check under the bed.

"Found you," Ranboo pulled Micheal out and picked him up. There was a knock at the door.

"Papa!" Micheal squealed with joy. Ranboo giggled and went to open the door for him. Tubbo was exhausted, and Ranboo could tell by the look on his face. Ranboo put Micheal down and he hugged Tubbo tightly. Tubbo hugged back.

"Hi, Micheal!" Tubbo tried to sound cheery and it kinda worked.

"Hi, papa!" Micheal let go of the hug and ran off to play with toys in his room. Ranboo moved Tubbo's head onto his chest.

"You okay?" Ranboo knew Tubbo had been working hard the last few weeks, to the point where Tubbo barely made 2 hours of sleep each night.

Tubbo nodded and took off his winter coat and boots.

"You wanna come lay down for a while?" Ranboo put their hand out so Tubbo could grab on. Tubbo nodded again, and they headed to their bedroom. Tubbo's body ached. He did so much lifting today and so much walking that he practically limped to the bedroom. Tubbo pretty much collapsed on the bed when they got up there. It was about 9 pm. Tubbo was out working at least 12 hours a day, not to mention he did a lot of paperwork at home too.

"I'll be back. I am just going to go put Micheal to bed," Ranboo said.

"Okay," Tubbo got up off the bed and had a shower. After he put on a pair of his sweatpants and one of Ranboo's hoodies. When Tubbo came out, Ranboo was sitting on the bed on his phone. Tubbo went and sat at his desk to do some work.

"Can you please finish that tomorrow? You need really need a break," Ranboo put their phone down and stood behind Tubbo's chair.

"It's fine. I'll just do it now," Tubbo picked up his pen and started with the paperwork.

"You have been overworking yourself way too much lately. I think it would be best if you stopped for a bit," Ranboo patted his hair.

"Boo, I'm fine," Tubbo continued working.

"Please," Ranboo hugged him from behind and rested his head on Tubbo's shoulder.

"I really need to finish this-" Tubbo was cut off.

"No, what you really need is to get some sleep," Ranboo said, taking the pen out of Tubbo's hand.

"Fine," Ranboo pulled him up. Tubbo held Ranboo's hands tighter as he felt all the pain in his body return as he stood up.

"You okay, bee, "Ranboo hugged him again. Tubbo nodded. They both lay down, Ranboo put the TV on and Tubbo laid his head on Ranboo's chest and Ranboo messed with his hair. Tubbo was asleep within minutes. Ranboo switched off the TV after he saw Tubbo was asleep. Ranboo continued to mess with his hair until they fell asleep.

Tubbo for once got a full night's sleep. At about 8 am Ranbooo was awake playing with Tubbo's hair and rubbing his back.


644 words. Leave requests (if u want)

I do have ideas for more but I am also a very busy person so I will try to do at least 1 a week, but I have a lot of things coming up. anyway, GO SLEEP I guarantee for most people reading this it's like 4 am,(definitely didn't write this at 4 am) so go to bed :)

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