~ Ṯhę Gṟėāṯ Ḏîvïḏē ~

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This story is based on the song 'The Great Divide'  from the movie 'Secret of the Wings'

(yes, I watched Tinkerbell. Don't judge me. It's a good movie)

The lyrics will be in bold. (IM NOT USING THE WHOLE SONG)

Basically, Ranboo is thinking about Tubbo while lying in bed with Tubbo snuggled into his chest. The idea is that they couldn't be together because Ranboo lived in the distant land of America and Tubbo lived in the UK with his h0m0ph0b!c parents, but them being so head over heels for each other, they made it work. So now they share an apartment in Brighton.

TWs Swearing, h0m0ph0b!a

~Ranboo's POV~

God, I love Tubbo so much. He is so adorable all the fucking time.

I never knew I lost you till I found you.

I remember the first time I was in a vc with him, he seemed so nice, and he didn't even know it was me, but to be fair, there were like six other people in the vc.

And I never guessed how close you were to me.

I run my hands through his hair. It's so soft and curly. I love how it sits, almost covering his eyes. It's so cute. I feel him snuggle closer into my chest as I continue to stroke his hair.

And now I wanna throw my arms around you.

I just want to tell him everything. I trust him with my whole heart, and I know he trusts me back. Before I moved here, he would stay up late just to talk to me. He would tell me about all his UK friends and how excited he was for me to join him here.

Tell a thousand tales that will astound you.

He is so goddam pretty. I remember looking into his eyes for the first time. They sparkled, even now. Looking at him, it's like he gets prettier every day. This man is going to be the death of me istg he is so fucking gorgeous.

Everything about you tells me this was meant to be, don't you see.

When we talked about meeting up, he told me he wouldn't hug me at the airport, but as soon as he spotted me, he gave me the biggest hug ever. That's when I realised how insanely in love with him I was.

I'm on your side.

After like three weeks, he finally asked me to go on a date with him. Like finally. I could tell how flustered he was whenever I spoke to him or looked into his eyes. His cheeks would turn pink, and he would either turn away or hide his face in his hoodie. It was so adorable.

Let's take this ride.

We have been dating for almost a year now. It seems like just yesterday we met at the airport. I feel him bring his hands under the covers. I guess he is cold? I pull the covers up so it sits just above his shoulders, and I hug him into me. I move my hand back so I can continue playing with his hair.

He told his parents about us over the phone earlier they were furious. I felt terrible for him. His parent yelled at him for a good ten minutes, calling him a variety of slurs and other awful names, he was crying, and I couldn't even say anything to comfort him, so I held him in my arms as his parents continued to yell through the phone, I put my hands over his ears until they finally hung up the phone. I slowly removed my hands from his ears, and he sobbed into my chest.

"Hey, it's okay bee," I said as I patted his hair.

"Why can't I have a normal family," He said, muffled into my hoodie.

"I don't know," I looked down at the boy crying into me. He looked so broken. I will never forget how sad he was at that moment.

And together we're facing the world.

I look down at him, peacefully sleeping. He is so cute. I can't help but stare.

"You know it's rude to stare," He says, keeping his eyes shut.

"It's not my fault you're so goddam pretty," I say, smiling down at him. He blushes and puts his head closer to my chest.

"Awww, someone's flustered," I tease. He hides his face in my chest.

"Stop," He laughed. His cheeks were bright red.

"You're still staring at me," He says, muffled into my chest.

"I know," I say.

"Go to sleep," I could hear how tired he was and decided to stop.

"Whatever you say, pretty boy," I smile at him. He moves his head so I can't see his face. But I know he is blushing big time.

His smile reminds me of the time he took me to his special place. It was a small flower garden that only he knew about. It was beautiful, almost as beautiful as him. It was hidden in the middle of the woods. It was a small clearing filled with daisies, Orchids, Tulips, and so many more. He told me it reminded him of me because he felt a sense of relief that he had only ever felt around me. I remember how happy he was when he first showed me his garden. God, I really am the luckiest person in the world.

Doing things nobody's done before.

I think of how his face lit up when I told him I would be moving to the UK. He looked like he was about to cry happy tears.

And the Great Divide,

Doesn't seem so wide anymore.

And now I am laying here my arms wrapped around him, I never want to let go he is my everything, I would literally die to save his life.

I can't recall what life was like without you.

Now it feels as though we've never been apart.

I stayed up till like six am when I lived in America just so I could hear his voice. He literally is just so perfect. I could never get sick of him.

Tell me every tiny thing about you.

Yesterday he told me he was going to go and steal Tommy's cat and I thought 'Oh that's just Tubbo being Tubbo he wouldn't actually steal his cat' he came home holding Toms cat and he said, and I quote 'Quick hide him somewhere, Tom is about to flatten me like a pancake' and he wasn't wrong, Tommy burst into our apartment a few minutes later and searched the whole place for him but Tubbo used the fire escape and was halfway down the street with the cat in his arms it was very funny.

Anything you'll say I'll never doubt you.

God, I love him but he has some interesting things going on in his head, like what made him want to steal a cat? If he wanted one I would've bought him one. I don't even care that I am spending all my money on him after all he has done for me he deserves it. One day I will ask him to marry me, hopefully someday soon.

We're meant to be together I can feel it in my heart.

It's just the start.


1271 words.

That was probably the cutest thing I have ever written I only did half of the song because I am lazy af but hey that's okay because, at the end of the day, this is just a Wattpad story that I will probably forget about like next month :DDDDDDDDDD

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