~ Thè Çḻûb ~

222 3 7

Tubbo, Ranboo and some of their other friends were going to a club tonight

TWs alcohol, mentions of r@pe, kissing, breakdowns

Tubbo POV

Great the one thing I wanted to do tonight was stay home but nooo we just had to go to the club, why did Tommy even suggest that? Stupid.

I mean I guess it could be fun. eh probably just loud and crowded with people, ugh.

"C'mon guys let's goooooo," Tommy had been whining for the past 10 minutes trying to get us to leave, everyone was on board except for me, I didn't want to be a pain so I just agreed, stupid idea.

We get in the car and Tommy sits in the driver's seat. Shit. we won't even make it to the club at this rate.

Tommy + Driving = worst idea ever, I mean this is the jump in the Cadilac guy. Yep, that clip will never get old. (lol we love the jump in the Cadilac clip)

We made it there safely, surprisingly. I was honestly zoned out for most of the car ride so I don't really know what happened.

We lined up to get inside and got our IDs ready to show the bouncer we all got in and everyone split ways, great I was all alone now

Ranboo POV

We got into the club and everyone disappeared into thin air, I was looking for them and I saw Tubbo who looked just as lost as I was. I walked over to him.

"Do you want to go get a drink?" I say he smiles at me... damn his smile is cute af... wait no he is my friend that's weird.

"Sure," he says, we walk over to the bar and order some drinks, Tubbo doesn't seem to excited to be here, honestly neither I only came because everyone else was coming.

We headed towards the bar.

"You okay?" I asked, he seemed really down when we got here it isn't like him.

"Mhm," he said. I knew something was wrong but I had no idea what it was.

"You sure?" I ask again hoping he would actually tell me what was bothering him.

"Yeah I'm fine," He seemed irritated now. "It just... nothing don't worry about it," he sat down and we ordered drinks.

I don't usually drink that much so one drink will be enough for me, someone has to drive everyone home and ain't no way am I letting Tubbo drive.

Tubbo POV

I saw Ranboo coming over to me, thank god I won't be totally alone.

"Do you want to go get a drink?" no I don't but I don't want to be annoying.

"Sure," I will probably only have one I'm not feeling it tonight. We started walking to the bar.

"You okay?" no I wanna go home.

"Mhm," Ranboo doesn't really care about me that much.

"You sure?" oh my god leave it alone.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I sounded mean when I said that, I sighed, "It's just...nothing don't worry about it,"

Ranboo seemed a little sad from that answer, there is no way he actually cares that much about me.

We finished our drinks and Tom came up to us, clearly blackout drunk already. He is a huge lightweight so makes sense.

"CoMe DaNcE WiTh mE RaNbOoB," Tom grabbed Ranboo's hand and pulled him out onto the dance floor.

And just like that I was alone again, I headed to the restroom and decided I would hangout there until the end of the night.

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