~ Wiçkèḏ ~

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TWs Sick, Headaches, cuddles and small kisses (not on the lips)

"Hey boo" Tubbo came out of the bedroom and went into the kitchen to take some medicine, he had been sick the last few days.

"Yes Tubs," Ranboo paused whatever was on the Tab and turned to face him.

"When are we leaving for the theatre tonight? I'm just wondering so I know when to be ready by," Tubbo took his medicine and coughed a bit.

"I think you should stay home though because your sick," Ranboo winced at his boyfriends painful coughs.

"But it's Wicked I've wanted to see it live since I was little I can't miss this," Tubbo came and sat next to them.

"Are you sure you're well enough? I don't want you to faint or anything," Ranboo petted his hair.

"Please? I've waited forever to see this musical it's my favourite and beside we'll be sitting down the whole time what's the worst that could happen?" Tubbo begged.

"Alright, but you have to rest all day if you won't to go," Ranboo said bringing Tubbo's head into their lap.

"Do I have to be in bad though I wanna stay out here and watch a movie or something," Tubbo said quietly.

"I don't see anything wrong with that do you want a blanket?" Ranboo petted his head as Tubbo got comfortable on their lap. Tubbo nodded. 

"I'll be back ok?" Ranboo waited for Tubbo to get off so the could get him a blanket.

"I'm already comfyyyyyy," Tubbo whined.

"Do you wanted a blanket or not?" Ranboo giggled at Tubbo's stubbornness.

"Fineeeeee," Tubbo groaned sat up and started coughing again. Ranboo winced and rubbed his back until he stopped.

"You ok?" Ranboo patted his head. Tubbo put a hand on his chest and nodded.

"Are you sure you'll be well enough for the theatre tonight?" Ranboo asked. Tubbo nodded again.

"Ok, I'll be back in a sec," Ranboo walked off and came back with Tubbo's favourite weighted blanket.

"Are you feeling better than yesterday? You look a little better," Ranboo handed him the blanket and sat back down.

"Yeah I feel a lot better than yesterday, I could hardly walk without being in pain and now it's fine I'm just a little sniffly and stuff," Tubbo pulled the blanket over him and laid his head back down on their lap.

"That's good I hope you're better soon I hate seeing you like this," Ranboo stroked his hair.

"I know and I'll be better soon I hate being sick too, and FYI I could be on my deathbed and I still would've gone to watch Wicked," Tubbo said.

"You really are stubborn huh?" Ranboo giggled.

"Am not!" Tubbo yelled which resulted in him coughing again.

"Alright alright, you should be resting your voice no more raising your voice," Ranboo said. Tubbo nodded and sighed.

"Tired?" Ranboo kept petting his head. Tubbo nodded.

"Hugs?" Ranboo asked. Tubbo nodded again and sat up. Ranboo moved to the corner of the couch and opened their arms. Tubbo crawled over to them and laid his head and their chest. Ranboo brought the blanket over Tubbo's shoulders and played with his hair until he fell asleep.

~ A few hours later ~

"Tubs," Ranboo gently shook him to wake him up.

"Hey Tubs," Ranboo shook him again, Tubbo groggily rubbed his eyes and opened them.

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