~ Fṟèéžîṉg ~

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Tubbo and Ranboo live together for this one.

~3rd person POV~
Ranboo was streaming in their bedroom while Tubbo was chilling in his room it was about 9pm and Tubbo decided he wanted to go on a little adventure, he got up and put his shoes on while slipping on a random hoodie. It swallowed his body which meant it was probably Ranboo's, oh well.
Tubbo poked his head into Ranboo's room.

"I'm going out for a bit I'll see you later," Tubbo waited for a response from them.

"Ok don't be out to late ok?" Ranboo turned away from the desk to look at Tubbo. Tubbo did a thumbs up and left the house, he zoned out as he walked which caused him to walk straight forward for an hour, he stopped and looked around realising that he had probably gone too far he noticed a playground across the street. He walked over and sat on the swing and stuck his AirPods in to listen to music. His phone died so he hopped off the swing and sat at the top of the slide under shelter. He accidentally fell asleep and woke up at around 2am to bucketing rain, he was under shelter so he was dry but he would have to walk home so he put his hood up and stepped out into the harsh rain it immediately soaked his clothes and hair it was also extremely windy and cold but he had to get home, he began the journey and felt his hands go numb from the cold. It only got colder as he kept moving causing his body to slowly shut down. He was about 15 minutes away from the house and he started getting very dizzy and lightheaded, he was almost there. He made it to the front door and knocked hoping that Ranboo would be awake.

~Ranboo POV~
Tubbo told me he was going out where the hell would he be going at fucking 9pm on a random Tuesday night? You know what let's just forget about it, Tubbo is Tubbo.

After a couple more hours of streaming I end and sit back in my chair I wonder if Tubbo is home yet I get up and go to his bedroom

"Tubbo? You in there?" I get no response, he must still be out wtf it's like 1am where the hell is he? Maybe he is in the living room? I go and check but nope he is not in the house. I call his phone, it goes straight's to voicemail so it must be flat, damn it.

But seriously though what is he doing out at 1am everything is closed? I decided to stay up and wait for him to get home in case he's hurt or something.

~3rd person POV~
It was around 3am now and Tubbo wasn't back yet Ranboo was starting to get worried where the hell is he?! It wasn't like Tubbo to be out this late.

Tubbo reached the front door, knocked and waited for a response he hoped Ranboo was awake so he could be let in. Ranboo heard the door and rushed to open it. Tubbo pretty much collapsed into Ranboo's arms.

"Woah, are you ok? You're freezing." Ranboo closed the door to keep the cold air out. Tubbo was shaking really badly his clothes were soaking wet and it was literally almost snowing outside it was that cold.

"Let's go get you warmed up ok?" Tubbo nodded and Ranboo carried him upstairs to their bedroom.

"Go take a nice warm shower then we will talk," Ranboo placed him down in the bathroom.

"I'll grab you some dry clothes ok," Tubbo nodded and closed the door and started the shower. Ranboo went into Tubbo's dresser and pulled out some sweatpants and as Ranboo went looking through Tubbo's hoodies they stopped and grabbed one of their own knowing that Tubbo would be a lot warmer in one of theirs. After Ranboo grabbed Tubbo's clothes they cracked the bathroom door open just enough for them to stick their arms in the door and place the clothes on the sink.

"T-thank y-you," Tubbo was still shaking and cold.

"Anytime bee," Ranboo responded and laid down on the bed and scrolled through their phone while waiting for Tubbo. The shower turned off and a few minutes later Tubbo came out his hair was still damp but he looked much better than when he first got back to the house. Ranboo sat up and motioned for Tubbo to sit too. As soon as Tubbo sat down Ranboo wrapped him in a hug.

"How are you feeling," Ranboo ran their fingers through Tubbo's wet hair.

"O-ok I g-guess," Tubbo sighed. Tubbo's skin was red from the water temperature of the shower yet he still felt freezing.

"Do you want me to dry your hair for you? It might make you a little warmer," Ranboo played with his wet hair.

"O-oh that's o-ok y-you d-don't have t-to," Tubbo wanted his hair to be dried he just didn't want to be rude or anything like that.

"I can if you want, it's no issue," Ranboo insisted.

"O-ok th-then," Tubbo squeaked.

Ranboo stood up and moved a chair in front of the bathroom mirror so he could sit down. Tubbo felt colder as Ranboo let go of him. Ranboo got the hair dryer out of the cupboard and Tubbo watched still sitting on the bed when Ranboo was done they came out of the bathroom grabbed a fluffy blanket from the bed and wrapped it around Tubbo's shoulders.

"Th-thanks," Tubbo stood up and made his way to the bathroom, he sat down in the chair and Ranboo used a towel and started massaging Tubbo's head to dry his hair. Tubbo leaned into the touch and closed his eyes, he loved it.

"You like that huh?"Ranboo kept massaging Tubbo's head while drying his hair. Tubbo smiled and nodded happily. After a few minutes of that, Ranboo stopped to blow dry his hair.

"Hey!" Tubbo pouted.

"What?" Ranboo plugged the hair dryer into the wall and turned to power point on.

"Why'd you stop?" Tubbo crossed his arms.

"I'm gonna blow dry your hair then you can get all the head massages you want," Ranboo said.

"Yay," Tubbo smiled and waited for Ranboo to be done blow-drying his hair.

Once Ranboo was finished Tubbo was pretty much asleep.

"Bee...Bee, wake up?" Tubbo blinked a few times before actually waking up.

"C'mon you can come have cuddles now," Ranboo patted his now dry and fluffy hair.

Tubbo's eyes lit up and a smile grew on his face as he watched Ranboo leave the bathroom, Tubbo got up and followed them back to the bedroom still wrapped in the blanket Ranboo had given him.

"Just let me change then I'm all yours," Ranboo ruffled his hair before going back into the bathroom to change. Tubbo laid back on the bad and waited for Ranboo to return for cuddles and more head massages.

1149 words


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