~ Pṟōmìšę ~

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TWs nightmare, past trauma, crying, small kisses

3rd person POV (Tubbo)

It was 5am in Snowchester and Tubbo was sitting out in the snow thinking. It was a lot colder than usual and Tubbo didn't bring his coat. He was sitting in the snow shivering his small body wasn't meant to be able the handle this much cold. He sat out there for a few more hours. It was now 10am and Tubbo was hugging his knees to his chest for warmth watching the snow flurry down.

3rd person POV (Ranboo)

Ranboo woke up to see his beloved no longer in their arms they looked around the room and he was nowhere to be seen. They looked all throughout the house and Tubbo was still nowhere. Ranboo put his boots on and a coat and went out to look for him.

"Tubbo!? Tubbo are you out here!?" Ranboo yelled hoping he would get a response. Tubbo heard the yelling but he was too exhausted and cold to yell back.

"Ranboo..." Tubbo squinted he could see Ranboo's figure in the distance. Ranboo spotted Tubbo and walked over and sat beside him.

"What are you doing out here?" They said calmly.

"Thinking..." Tubbo said quietly.

"For how long?" Ranboo asked while dusting the snow out of Tubbo's hair. Tubbo checked his watch.

"Mm... 5 hours" Tubbo hugged his knees.

"Tubs... it's too cold out here for you to be out here for so long," Ranboo took their coat off and put it around Tubbo's shoulders.

"I guess..." Tubbo held the coat around his body he was really cold.

"Come on let's go home so you can warm up and maybe take a nap you look exhausted," Ranboo caressed his cheek before picking Tubbo up and carrying him back to the house.
"C-cold," Tubbo clung onto Ranboo for warmth.

"Are you cold honeybee?" Ranboo hugged him tighter so he was warmer. Tubbo nodded.

"We're almost there then you can get warmed up and take a nice nap, does that sound good?" Ranboo stroked his hair. Tubbo nodded again. Ranboo enters the house and takes Tubbo upstairs and lays him down on the bed. Ranboo takes Tubbo's boots off and gives Tubbo a hoodie to stay warm.

"Alright I'll be in the living room if you need me," Ranboo covered Tubbo with blankets.

"O-ok thank you," Tubbo closed his eyes. Ranboo kisses him on the forehead.

"Sweet dreams honeybee," Ranboo left the room and closed the door. They went downstairs and sat on the couch waiting for Tubbo to wake up.

3rd person POV (Tubbo)

Tubbo fell asleep almost as soon as Ranboo left. About an hour later he woke up from a nightmare, he was shaking and crying. He buried his face into the blankets and continued to cry. He was still half asleep but awake enough to be scared of what was in his nightmares. He finally gained the strength to stand up and head downstairs to Ranboo.

Ranboo POV

I hear light footsteps heading down the stairs, assuming it was Tubbo I slide my bookmark into the page I was up to and set the book down on the coffee table. He stood at the end of the couch with tears dripping down his face and a blanket wrapped around his body. I look at him sadly before asking.

"What's wrong bee?" I open my arms expecting him to want a hug which he gladly accepted he silently cried into me which I softly played with his hair and lightly kissed his head.

"Shhhh hey it's ok tell me what's wrong honeybee," I say. His grip tightened around me.

"N-nightmare," He was still crying and clinging onto me. I look at him with sad eyes.

"What was is about?" I ask still playing with his hair and holding him tightly.

"Y-you l-eft me and- and h-he c-came b-back and-and tried t-to hurt me a-gain-" I rubbed his back to calm him down a bit.

"He as in your dad?" I say softly and hug him tightly. He nodded and held me tighter.

"I'm sorry bee, I won't let him get you I promise he will not dare come near you as long as I am here,"  I said while playing with his curls.

"Y-you promise?" He looked up at me with sad teary eyes.

"I promise," I use my sleeve to wipe his tears away and he smiles at me and buries his face into my chest.

I hear a faint "I love you.." before he falls asleep again.

"I love you too," I plant a soft kiss in his hair and softly rub his head while he sleeps.

808 words

Your fave biach is back and I have more coming (if I remember to finish it 😋)

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