~ Sṯṟàwbèṟṟîéš ~

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Tubbo had been skipping meals a lot recently to the point where he didn't eat anything for weeks at a time, he didn't know why he just had no appetite, one day when the duo were at Disneyland, Ranboo noticed Tubbo's drowsiness and how pale he looked and tried to help.

TWs: lack of eating, passing out (I think that's all)

~3rd Person POV~

"You excited for Disneyland tomorrow?" Ranboo squeezed Tubbo's hand as the plane took off for California.

"Yeah..." Tubbo was excited but scared at the same time. What if Ranboo found out about his eating habits? What would Ranboo think of him? God, he hoped Ranboo wouldn't notice.

"You ok? You seem very down today," Ranboo asked, tracing circles on the palm of Tubbo's hand.

"I'm ok just a bit tired that's all, and not really a big fan of planes," Tubbo smiled softly at Ranboo.

"Oh ok," Ranboo knew that wasn't the reason Tubbo seemed so low energy there was something else wrong.

💅 Time skip brought to you by my lack of imagination

They got to their hotel and went straight to bed It was a long flight and they got there at like 2am and planned to go to Disneyland the next day. Tommy would also be coming the next day.

The next day

The duo got up and got dressed Tubbo wore black jeans and a white T-shirt with Ranboo's orange Hawaiian button up and Ranboo wore the same but a different Hawaiian shirt.

"We have been here for not even 24 hours and you're already stealing my clothes?" Ranboo chuckled.

"Yep!" Tubbo fixed his hair in the mirror and put some Mickey Mouse ears on.

"You ready?" Ranboo waited at the door for him. Tubbo nodded and they headed off to Disneyland. They walk through the entrance and look at all the different attractions.

"What should we do first?" Tubbo looked up at Ranboo.

"I'm kinda hungry do you want to get some food?" Ranboo shrugged.

"Oh you can get some food if you want, I'm not that hungry," Tubbo smiled.

"Are you sure? I didn't see you eat anything this morning, or last night and you didn't eat on the plane either," Ranboo got a bit worried when they realised how long it's been since Ranboo saw Tubbo eat.

"I ate before you woke up this morning, I'll have something later," Tubbo didn't sound very convincing.

"If you say so..." The duo walked into a small corner cafe and sat down.

"Are you sure you don't want anything?" Ranboo asked.

"I'm sure," Tubbo said smiling at Ranboo.

"Ok but I will make sure you eat later," Ranboo got up and left the table to order. Tubbo panicked a bit when Ranboo said he would make sure Tubbo ate, he really didn't want to he had to find a way to get out of it. Hopefully, Ranboo would just forget.

"I'm back," Ranboo sat down, Tubbo smiled at him. Ranboo eats their food and they went to go on some rides.

"Which ride first?" Tubbo asked, he grabbed Ranboo's hand so they wouldn't lose each other.

"I dunno, you pick," Ranboo said.

"Ugh fine," Tubbo pulled Ranboo to the _______ ride. (I'm lazy you pick)

"That was fun!" Ranboo said as the two exited the ride and sat down for a second.

They went on a few more before stopping and taking a break. It was about 3pm and there were still a few more things they wanted to go see.

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