~ Pîçṉïć ~

121 3 7

TWs fluff overload, homophobia, slurs (I won't be saying any actual slurs just mentions of them), small kisses, panic attack, crying

Tubbo had just got home from a long day at work. He plonked himself on the couch and laid down hoping to sneak in a quick nap before he went to see Micheal and Ranboo, assuming they were upstairs playing in Micheal's room. It was normal for Tubbo to get home this late although it was only 6pm. Micheal's bedtime is around 6-7pm so Tubbo had a bit of time to rest before Ranboo came downstairs. Tubbo closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep. About 25 minutes later Ranboo came downstairs to see his beloved curled up on the couch asleep. Ranboo smiled at the sight of his dear husband sleeping peacefully, they went and sat down next to Tubbo and slowly stroked his hair. Tubbo stirred awake and lazily looked at Ranboo playing with his hair.

"Hi," Ranboo said and placed a small kiss on Tubbo's forehead.

"Hi," Tubbo rubbed his eyes aggressively with the palm of his hand.

"Hey don't do that," Ranboo brought Tubbo's hands away from his eyes.

"I tell you all the time, you're going to hurt yourself" Ranboo placed a hand on Tubbo's cheek.

"Sorry, it's a habit," Tubbo's head dropped.

"It's alright," Ranboo stroked his hair.

"I have a surprise for you," Ranboo kissed his forehead again. Tubbo smiled and crawled into Ranboo's arms.

"What the surprise?" Tubbo looked up at Ranboo and tilted his head to the side. That one movement made Ranboo melt inside, he was so precious sometimes.

"If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise," Ranboo kissed Tubbo's nose and stood up, offering their hand to Tubbo. Tubbo took Ranboo's hand and they stood up.

"Phil will be here in a minute to watch Michael, then we can go," Ranboo hugged Tubbo. Tubbo nodded in response. They sat in the hug until there was a knock at the door.

"That's Phil I'm guessing," Ranboo let go and grabbed his hand as they went to answer the door. They open the door and Phil greets us with a smile.

"Hi Ran, Hi Tubbo," Phil said.

"Hi Phil, Micheal is asleep. Help yourself to anything in the fridge," Ranboo replied.

"Thanks, Ran, have a nice time," Phil waved them goodbye and they left. Tubbo followed Ranboo curiously wondering what the surprise was. They were getting closer to the spot where this 'surprise' was and Ranboo covered Tubbo's eyes with their hand.

"Ah- what- what are you doing?" Tubbo seemed scared he didn't like the fact that he couldn't see his surroundings.

"Relax it's gonna be ok," Ranboo reassured him.

"O-ok," Tubbo felt around for Ranboo's other hand so they could guide him. Ranboo grabbed his hand and led him out to a small picnic on a grass hill with fairy lights, pillows and blankets.

"Can I open my eyes now?" Tubbo asked.

"Yep," Ranboo uncovered Tubbo's eyes and he saw the picnic and instantly his face lit up.

"Y-you did this?" Tubbo asked.

" I know it's not much but-"

"N-no it's perfect, I love it," Tubbo squeezed Ranboo in a hug. Ranboo squeezed him back it had been a while since Ranboo had seen Tubbo's genuine smile.

"I forgot how pretty you were when you smile," Ranboo cupped his cheek. Tubbo flushed red and buried his face back into Ranboo's chest.

"Anyway, shall we sit?" Ranboo asked. Tubbo nodded and they both sat down to watch the sunset. Tubbo sat beside Ranboo and they flicked their tail around Tubbo's waist and tried to shuffle him over into Ranboo's lap. Tubbo turned to look at Ranboo seemingly confused.

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