~ Hęāḏåčhėš ~

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Background info - Tubbo & Ranboo are doing a late-night stream :)

It was around 10 pm, Ranboo and Tubbo were setting up stream. Before Ranboo pressed start stream, he noticed Tubbo was acting a little off.

"You okay?" Ranboo put their hand on Tubbo's shoulder.

"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine," Tubbo said, smiling.

"You sure?" Ranboo raised one eyebrow.

"I have a small headache, but I'll be fine. Let's start," Tubbo said. The headache wasn't small but Tubbo tried his best to ignore it.

They had been streaming for about 5 hours and Tubbo's headache was just getting worse, to the point Ranboo could tell he was in pain. Tubbo and Ranboo were sharing earbuds (Tubbo had one and Ranboo had the other yk) with Tommy on call, every time Tommy yelled Tubbo's body tensed up like he was in pain. (well he was-)

Ranboo took the earbuds out of both their ears and moved the mic away so Chat couldn't hear them.

"You okay?" Ranboo said quietly, grabbing his hand under the desk.

"It really hurts, boo," Tubbo squeezed Ranboo's hand.

"Your headache?" Ranboo questioned. Tubbo nodded.

"Okay, gimme a sec," Ranboo moved the mic back "Ok chat we have been streaming for like 5 hours now, I'm going to end it here, bye Tommy," Ranboo said waving at the camera.

"Bye Ranboob, Bye Tubbo," Tommy hung up the phone.

"Tommy don't-" Ranboo sighed as Tommy hung up "Bye chat," Ranboo waved one last time before clicking end stream.

"How bad is it?" Ranboo said, turning to face him. Tubbo had his head down on the desk.

"That bad huh," Ranboo patted his hair. "Come on let's get you to bed."

Ranboo carried him into the bedroom and put him down on the bed.

"I'm just gonna get changed okay," Ranboo said quietly. Tubbo nodded slightly.

Ranboo came and laid down next to him.

"Your turn to go get changed, you can't sleep in jeans," Ranboo nudged his shoulder. He could see Tubbo's body tense up again.

"I know it hurts, but you will be way comfier in sweatpants," Ranboo said. Tubbo got up to get changed. Tubbo came back wearing one of Ranboo's hoodies.

"Is that my- you know what. Nevermind. Stupid question." Ranboo giggled. Tubbo laid down on their chest and Ranboo rubbed his back. Tubbo was asleep within the next 15 minutes.

About an hour later Ranboo was still awake rubbing Tubbo's back when Tubbo woke up.

"Does it still hurt?" Ranboo said playing with his hair.

"A little," Tubbo said, laying his head back onto Ranboo's chest. They both fell asleep soon after that.


446 words.

This was very cute to write.

All platonic stuff as I mentioned at the beginning of the book :) have a nice day/night.

Also, I had this really interesting dream. So basically me and my friend flew to a different city from where we live to compete for dance and for some reason when we got there it was just me and her, no adults, and I said "Let's split up and meet at the theatre". We had no idea where the theatre was it was so random but I went into this museum art gallery thing and somehow teleported to this random little shed room and I walked out into like a weird market warehouse sorta thing and just outside there was a plane in the air and it was like sparking and shit, then it like blew up and plummeted to the floor and made a big explosion, the worst thing though is when I saw the plane exploded I said "Lovejoyyy" and it was really funny, but after that, a bunch of like smokey dusty shit like coming towards me and a group of others so we ran went to hide and a random person who worked at this weird market warehouse thing and they opened up a secret safe room and we all went in (there was like 8 of us in the room and I didn't know most of them and there was this little girl running towards the door with the door was closing and I ran out, grabbed the girl and pulled her in and we all like sat in a huddle until I woke up, it was so weird.

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