~ Ṯhè Nîghṯ wé Mêṯ ~

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TWs Sewerslide, pills, overdose, crying

This is a rewrite because the og deleted :(

Wilbur was in the og and I don't want and controversy in my comments so I took him out. (Btw I am neutral on the whole situation I can't tell who is telling the truth)

Tubbo ended stream and put his head down on the desk. He was so done with everything, he couldn't pay rent because he couldn't access his donations from twitch so he'd be evicted, he hadn't seen his friends in weeks and barely slept or ate. He got up and went into the kitchen rummaging around for pills, any pills he could find he found some random ones in the back of his medicine cupboard with no label, he poured the pills into his hand there were five. He was about to take them all but he stopped and he thought.

'What if someone actually cared..'

'What about Toms..'

'He's got the sorry boys now he doesn't need me..'

He grabbed a piece of paper and quickly wrote down:

'I'm sorry Toms, or anyone else who sees this but I can't do it anymore I know you probably don't care that much because we haven't spoken in weeks, but this is my last goodbye'

Once he was done he grabbed the pill bottle and poured the pills back into his hand. He took them all at once and left the empty bottle on the counter. He ran out of his apartment leaving the door open and just running and running and running until he reached the bridge. The bridge where he and Ranboo would talk every single day and watch the sunset together. The bridge that Tubbo vowed if he ever were to end his life he would end it at that bridge.

~ Tommy POV ~

I want to see Tubbo. I haven't seen him in a million years and he hasn't texted me in a while either, the sorry boys were on their way to a shoot and I wanted to stop and check up on him before we went.

"Hey Phillllllll," I say. He sighs.

"Yes Tommy?" Phil pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Can we stop at Tubbo's on the way I want to see him," I put on a fake sad face. He rolls his eyes.

"Fine," Phil puts in directions for Tubbo's place.

"Why couldn't you text him like a normal human being," Phil said, obviously pissed off.

"He's not responding," I huffed.

~ 3rd person POV ~

"Huh... it's not like him to not respond," Phil, parked in front of Tubbo's house, he felt something.. off. Something wasn't right and they all knew something had happened.

"I'll be back," Tommy got out and went into the building. He walked up the stairs and turned the corner and saw Tubbo's apartment door open.

"Oh Tubbooooo," Tom stuck his head in the door. He froze as he saw the empty pill bottle.

"He didn't.." Tommy walked over and saw a folded piece of paper. He opened it and read the note.

"No no no no no Tubbo no," Tommy searched the whole apartment and there was no sign of him anywhere but he couldn't have done it too long ago he only ended the stream ten minutes ago. Tommy sprinted back to the car.

"Tubbo's gone," Tommy said out of breath.

"Ok let's go," Phil started the car.

"No like he's about to be gone gone, there was an empty pill bottle on the counter as well," Tommy shoved the note in Phil's hands.

"Oh my god," Phil handed the note back to Ranboo and Charlie.

"Phil let me drive, I know where he is," Ranboo said unbuckling their seatbelt and getting out of the car.

"But you can't drive?" Phil got out of the car and into the passenger seat. Ranboo got in the car and started to drive, they knew where they were going and they weren't wasting any time getting there. They stopped the car at the edge of the bridge so the car lights wouldn't scare him if he was there.

"That's him," Ranboo said, pointing to a small figure standing at the edge of the bridge gripping his heart.

"How did you know he'd be here?" Tom asked.

"Lucky guess, now stay here I don't want to overwhelm him," Ranboo unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of the car and slowly made his way towards the small figure. They stood a few feet behind him.

"Tubs? What's wrong?" Tubbo just continued to sob. Ranboo got right behind him and wrapped their arms around his waist and pulled him back, Ranboo felt Tubbo resist before falling unconscious. Ranboo brought him to the floor so that Tubbo was now sitting and leaned up against them.

"Hey Tubs, hey," Ranboo shook him trying to wake him up but nothing.

"I'm gonna get you to a hospital," Ranboo whispered in his ear before picking him up and carrying him back to the car.

"Boo is that you..?" Tubbo tried to lift his head off their shoulder.

"It's me I'm here, I'm gonna take you to a hospital yeah?" Ranboo held the back of his head to their shoulder. Tubbo nodded.
"You kept your promise?" Tubbo sniffed.

"Of course I did, I could never forget something like that," Ranboo gently played with his hair.

"Thank you," Tubbo whispered before slipping back into unconsciousness. Ranboo held him close as they got in the back seat with him. Laying him down and letting his head rest on their lap.

"Is he ok? What's happening?" Phil turned his body around looking into the backseat.

"We need to get him to a hospital, I'll explain on the way...

975 words.



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