~ Àṟè ÿôû śîçk öf mé..? ~

180 3 4

Tws: crying, self hatred, kisses (not on the lips)

~3rd person POV~  (Tubbo)
Tubbo laid awake, his husband holding him as they slept. Tubbo couldn't sleep he kept thinking about Ranboo, about what Ranboo thought of him.

He must be so sick of me by now

I'm so clingy and annoying

Maybe I should just leave, they will be happier without me

I'm leaving, I'll leave a note... I love them so much but I don't think they love me anymore

They probably think I'm annoying and ugly anyway

Tubbo slipped out of Ranboo's arms and kissed there cheek for what was the last time he then went down stairs he left a note, his hands were shaking so his hand writing was messy but readable he left it on the counter he had one of Ranboo's hoodies on and didn't bother to grab a coat to protect him from the cold snow he just left.

The note read:

Ranboo I'm so so sorry I left I'm sure it doesn't matter that much to you but I know you're probably sick of me by now and I want you to be happy, you better off without me anyway. I don't know if I'll come back but if I don't please just know that I love you so so much- Tubbo

Tubbo finished writing the note and saw little droplets of water on the page he hadn't even noticed he was crying, he quickly wiped his tears and left he didn't go far because it was the middle of the night he went to a small cave in the mountain beside his and Ranboo's well now just Ranboo's mansion it already had supplies from when Tommy would hide out there to spy on the mansion, he always left them there just in case something happened, the cave wasn't very big at all it was just enough to fit 1-2 people and there was a chest full of supplies hidden in the wall of the cave.

~3rd person POV~ (Ranboob)
When Ranboo awoke in the morning he noticed that Tubbo their beloved husband was gone. They just assumed that he went downstairs to make breakfast already so they got up and went downstairs and Tubbo wasn't there, Ranboo got a bit worried but they noticed a piece of paper sitting on the counter, lazily folded over once. Ranboo picked up the note and opened it. He recognised the handwriting immediately it belonged to his husband. He read the note and noticed the tear stains it broke their heart to know that Tubbo thought so little of himself. Ranboo ran back upstairs and changed into their winter clothes and grabbed their coat and boots and as Ranboo grabbed their coat off the rack he noticed that Tubbo's was still there hanging up they were really worried about Tubbo he could be dead and no one would know.

~3rd person POV~ (Tubbo)
Tubbo fell asleep in the cave he was curled in a tight ball, tear marks stained his face even in his sleep he was shaking from the cold.

~3rd person POV~ (Both kinda)
"TUBBO!!" Ranboo looked around the outside of the mansion but with no luck of finding him. The next place they thought of was the cave on the mountain beside the mansion. Ranboo prayed that he was in there they had to go apologise to him for making him feel that way. They made their way up the mountain and saw the cave and inside was a small goat boy curled in a ball asleep. Ranboo sighed and went in and sat next to him, gently stroking his hair. Tubbo slowly woke up and felt something on his hair when he woke up he pulled himself into a tighter ball, hugging his knees for dear life.

"Bee?" Ranboo continued to stroke his hair. Tubbo was shocked when he heard Ranboo's voice.

"B-boo?" Tubbo kept his head in his knees.

"Yeah I'm here.." Ranboo pulled him into a tight hug, Tubbo resisted the urge to hug back, it was too late he had already ruined everything.

"W-why are you h-here? W-why did you c-come looking for m-me?" Tubbo asked.

"Tubs I know you think I don't love you but you are wrong I love you so so so much, you are the best thing that ever happened to me and I could never be sick of you. I know you think you're annoying and clingy but I love your clingyness its one of the reasons I love you so much I love spending the day just cuddling watching movies, just being with you makes me the happiest person alive. Please don't leave I love you too much to let you go, please stay..." Ranboo held him tight.

"I-I'm s-sorry I-I just- I-I couldn't s-sleep l-last night- and- I got t-to thinking and-" Tubbo started crying again and buried his face into Ranboo's chest.

" shhhhhhhhh hey don't cry, it's ok, it's ok," Ranboo whispered sweet nothings in his ear until he calmed down.

"So, will you come back home with me?" Ranboo asked softly.

" y-yeah j-just promise me you w-won't leave m-me, please" Tubbo looked at Ranboo with hopeful eyes.

"I promise I will never ever leave you ever," Ranboo kissed his forehead.

"T-thank you s-so much f-for e-everything," Tubbo buried his head back into Ranboo's chest.

"C'mon let's go home," Ranboo stood up and helped Tubbo up. Ranboo wiped the remaining tears off his face. Ranboo then picked Tubbo up and Tubbo put his legs around Ranboo's waist and he put his arms around their neck. Tubbo held onto Ranboo tightly he never wanted to let go. Ranboo brought him back home and sat him down on the couch, they proceeded to wrap a blanket around Tubbo and hold him to warm him up, every now and then Ranboo would plant soft kisses on his head.

"I love you.." was the last thing Tubbo said before falling into a comfortable sleep.

"I love you too..." Ranboo ran their fingers through his hair softly playing with it as Tubbo slept.

1083 words.

Honestly idk where the inspiration for these come from it's just completely random :D

Also Ranboo's new hair cut?!!?!?!?! Excuse me but who gave them the permission to be so fucking pretty

Also Ranboo's new hair cut?!!?!?!?! Excuse me but who gave them the permission to be so fucking pretty

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LIKE WHAT I'm so jealous they are so pretty 🤩 😍😍😍😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

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LIKE WHAT I'm so jealous they are so pretty 🤩 😍😍😍😍🤩😍🤩😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

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