~ Mèéṯ-ûp ṯṟôübḻêš ~

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Tubbo flies to America to see Ranboo and Ranboo discovers something about Tubbo that no one knew about him.

Tubbo nervously bounced his knee waiting for the plane to take off, god he hate taking off so much it made him want to die.

Luckily there was no one in the seats next to him so he could be alone for the flight. Before he switched his phone to airplane mode he texted Ranboo letting him know that he was about to take off

Tubs 🐝:
I'm taking of soon :D

Boob man🤍🖤:
Yayyyyyyyy :D I'll see you soon Bee!!

Tubs 🐝:

Tubbo switched his phone to airplane mode and stuck one AirPod in while the safety instructions were being announced he had no interest in how to get off the airplane if it crashed or something, he would just follow everyone else.

(Fun fact the AirPod thing came from me I did that on my last flight lol)

The longer it took for the plane to take of the more panicky Tubbo got, to the point where he was shaking.

The plane was finally in the air and Tubbo had calmed down a bit but still was terrified to leave his seat, after a long flight he was now in the USA, he
would be able to see his favourite person in the whole world.

He didn't bring a hoodie or Jacket because they were all in his suitcase and couldn't be bothered to get one out, and he was freezing when he got off the plane, he stepped foot into the airport and was hit in the face with the amount of people in the airport, he started to panic again and this time it was much worse, he just put his head down and tried to get out as quickly as he can. He was getting push and shoved around until he finally made at out of the crowds, he immediately saw Ranboo and ran up to him and hugged him right, burying his head into Ranboo's chest. He was shaking and breathing heavily he felt freezing but he was sweating, he was trying so hard to hold back tears.

"Woah ok," Ranboo hugged back and felt how much he was shaking and his breathing was quick and sharp and his fluffy brown hair was slightly damp from sweat although it was like 6 degrees (Celsius).

"Hey are you ok?" Ranboo ran their hands through his damp sweaty hair. Tubbo shook his head quickly.

Ranboo kept hugging him and brought him to a less crowded area.

"Bee it's freezing why don't you have a jacket or something," Ranboo held him in the hug in attempt to keep him warm.

"T-they are all in m-my suitcase," Tubbo kept himself attached to Ranboo he didn't want to let go.

"Hey hey, it's ok, you're ok," Ranboo sat them both down on a bench inside the airport.

"Do you want my hoodie?" Ranboo stroked his hair as Tubbo slowly calmed himself down.

"N-no t-thanks," Tubbo gripped Ranboo harder to consume his warmth.

"Please take it, you're shaking," Ranboo pulled him closer and continued to stroke his hair.

"F-fine," Tubbo slowly pulled away, keeping his head down while Ranboo took off the hoodie they were wearing a gave it to Tubbo. Tubbo slipped it over his head and was greeted with the smell of lavender and roses, Tubbo calmed down quite quickly after putting on the hoodie.

"Bee... are you ok now? What happened?" Ranboo hugged him gently.

"panic attack..." Tubbo mumbled so only Ranboo could hear. Ranboo's eyes widened slightly, how had he not known, they'd been friends for almost a year now how had no one noticed.

"Is this the first time?" Ranboo spoke softly. Tubbo shook his head.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Ranboo stroked Tubbo's hair still speaking quietly and softly.

"S-sorry," Tubbo felt tears well in his eyes again.

"Hey, hey, it's ok, don't cry it's ok," Ranboo pulled Tubbo into another hug, letting him calm down a bit before they got up and got Tubbo's luggage.

"Feel better now?" Ranboo pulled away from the hug to see Tubbo's face.

"Much," Tubbo smiled.

"Let's go get your luggage then shall we." Ranboo stood up and offered their hand out to help him up. Tubbo stood up and they both walked to baggage claim to retrieve his luggage.

740 words

Happy ending :DDDDDDD

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