~ Ṯô ṯhè Möòṉ áŋḏ Bàçk ~

42 2 0

TWs lots of crying, lots of cuteness (we love Micheal), headaches, mentions of starvation, mentions of abuse and neglect, swearing

Tubbo was out in the woods gathering supplies for his family he had been avoiding them for a while, ever since his dad died he's been distant with them. While he felt bad he still needed to gather supplies for his family.

Tubbo was out chopping down trees for wood he was angry with himself about ignoring his family, he was angry at himself for being upset when he found out his dad died. He shouldn't be upset that guy abused him and hurt him so badly yet Tubbo still felt sorry for the bastard that caused him so much pain and suffering his entire childhood if you could even call it that. He swung his axe harder at the wood holding back his tears until he broke, he dropped the axe on the floor and fell on his knees and just cried. He sat there for a few minutes before pulling himself together and continued chopping the wood with his axe. Wiping a stray tear every now and then. Once his inventory was full he made the trip back to the mansion and he quickly used his hair to cover his red teary eyes which he had only done this in the past so that he wouldn't make Ranboo uncomfortable with eye contact and because he used to be very insecure about his eyes. Tubbo covered his eyes and walked into the mansion seeing his husband in the kitchen and he could hear Micheal playing upstairs in his room. Tubbo went over to the fireplace and put half the wood beside it, the other half he took to his workshop where he made tools and other things. As he was stocking up the shelves in his workshop he heard footsteps coming up to the door and a familiar voice cleared their throat.

"Are you ever going to tell me what's wrong?" Ranboo sounded annoyed, which was fair Tubbo had been avoiding them for a while.

"It's nothing I'm fine," Tubbo adjusted his hair to make sure it was completely covering his eyes although it wouldn't have mattered you could hear how broken he was when he spoke.

"Why can't you ever just tell me the truth, you always lie and it makes it seem like you don't trust me," They crossed their arms and leaned against the door frame.

"I do trust you, and I'm not lying everything's fine," Tubbo very clearly fake smiled at them.

"Don't even with that bullshit if everything was fine you wouldn't have to fake smile and you also wouldn't be covering your eyes, are you going through a rough patch or something? Why can't I know anything about you? You're always so secretive, it's annoying. Maybe if you actually opened up about your feelings you wouldn't be trapped in such a sad depressed state," Ranboo sighed.

"But it doesn't matter what I say you still won't do anything about it because you'll continue to live a sad pathetic life and you won't let anyone help you," Ranboo scoffed and walked away.

"Dinners on the counter.. not that you'll eat it because you haven't eaten in days and you still refuse to." Ranboo yelled as they walked upstairs. Tubbo felt tears trickling down his face again. Ranboo went and brought Micheal down for dinner.

"Papa?" Micheal said taking a bite of his food.

"Yes Micheal," Ranboo pulled theyre mask down and began to eat.

"When will little papa eat? He hasn't been having dinner with us in aaaaaages," Micheal asked shoving more food into his face.

"I don't know Mikey he's been really.. busy lately.. I'll talk to him ok?" Ranboo wiped some sauce off Micheal face with a napkin.

"Ok!" Micheal ate all his food quickly and when he was done he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Papa can I be dismissed? I would like to go and pick flowers for little papa!" Micheal asked.

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