#2 . Spartan

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I usually was relieved when my work shift ended, but now I just wish it could go on forever. I wasn't looking forward to that dinner at all. But still I grabbed everything I owned from the table, said my greetings to the other co-workers and made my way outside. It was raining a bit, but I didn't really mind, I had more important things to worry about, things which were making a difficult dilemma in my tired brain. I didn't want to go, I really didn't, but I also couldn't just cancel it. He was my boss, and my family has known his family for years, so I felt a fair amount of responsibility towards him. 

I stopped and waited on the bus stop, nerves wrecked over everything I had to prepare when I went home. Ever since that little.. memory issue of mine, I haven't taken any rest. Well, I was supposed to do that this afternoon, but that didn't work out so well if you haven't noticed.

The bus was taking forever, and I didn't want to be late for getting ready, so I continued walking towards my home. And no, I didn't have an umbrella.


When I arrived home, I was soaked and freezing.

"Bad idea. Bad idea. Bad fucking idea." I mumbled as I threw everything on the couch and ran to my room, rummaging through my clothes to find the right outfit.

What does someone wear to a date? A dress, I guess?


What? It's not a fucking date. What the hell? No!

I'm still gonna wear a dress though. It's classy, and it's not only used for dates, soo... Yeah!

I didn't want anything too... suggesting, as to not give him any certain ideas.

So, I picked a short black dress, with slim elbow sleeves, off shoulders, with a slit on the right leg. It hugged my body nicely, but it also wasn't anything too fancy.

Good enough, I guess. I brushed my black to brown ombre hair, deciding to keep it loose, and quickly put on a little make up. Just some light lip gloss, eyeliner, a little eye shadow and some blush. Not much. It was just a dinner, after all. Some silver jewelry would nicely compliment the dress, so I put on a small fine heart shaped silver necklace, some silver hoop earrings, and a simple silver chain bracelet. I liked how the look was turning out. I checked the time.

6:39 PM

I had enough time to mentally prepare, at least.

I took my 'fancy' black purse out of the drawer I imprisoned it in, since 2 years ago when I last used it. What do I need with me... Phone, keys, wallet, medicine... I guess that's it?

I put everything in the purse, but not before taking a pill, you never know.

Now, what to do... I have 20 minutes to kill, might as well go to Instagram. I sat on the couch and took my phone out, doing just that.


I waited outside my building for the familiar gray car of my boss, Noah. My heart was beating so hard, I could feel it banging in my chest. It wasn't out of excitement, either. It was out of anxiety. Last time I went to a 'dinner', It didn't go so well.

I shook the thought out of my mind as I saw the gray car stop in front of me. I hadn't even noticed it up until now. The driver's door opened and out came Noah. A grin graced his face as he looked at me fondly, walking over to me and stopping a few inches away. I smiled nervously as I noticed him looking at me up and down. The awkwardness in the air was unmistakable, so I tried to break it.

Static memory// 18+ // A marble Hornets romance.Where stories live. Discover now