#13 . Bad news

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                   ~(Evelyn POV)~

I sighed when I saw the cafe come to view. I wasn't looking forward to talking to my mom about whatever the fuck happened, especially from knowing it was bad news. 

I didn't dare mentioning last night to Noah too. That was extremely dumb and unthoughtful of me. I already knew I couldn't take much alcohol, why did I drink in the first place?

Noah parked and I greeted him, before getting out and straightening my clothes out. 

"Do you want me to wait for you here, or will you text when you're done?" I heard Noah ask. His tone showed that he was decided on the fact that he was picking me up.

"No need. I'll come back myself." He narrowed his eyes, but left it at that, nodding with a clenched jaw and driving off.

I turned and walked inside the cafe, the warmth and sweet scents engulfing me. I quickly spotted my mom and walked over. Her face lit up when she saw me and she smiled, getting up and hugging me.

"Hey mom.." I mumbled, sitting down when she let go of me. She had already ordered my usual winter drink and desert, and I smiled as I sipped on it.

"So, what's up?" I asked casually, not meaning to go immediately to the conversation at hand, but also being surprisingly impatient. I didn't blame it on myself though, the past weeks have been a pain.

She clearly avoided the topic for as long as possible though.

"Oh, you know, the usual. Work, home, then work again. Not much going on, but at least the holidays are near! I'm looking forward to our celebration together." She said happily, but I saw her fiddling with her hands, showing she was nervous and the opposite of what her face and tone were displaying.

I nodded dismissively. I wasn't that interested in celebrations anymore, not with the tall demon making my life hell. I sigh.

"Mom. What's going on?" Her smile quickly faded and nervousness overtook her face, sipping on her drink then looking at me seriously.

"Look honey. You're...not going to like this, but please stay calm, ok?" My brows furrowed in confusion as I looked deep into her eyes, seeing nothinf but sadness and anxiety. I reached to her hand over the table and held it gently, my thumb carressing it with care.

"Mom, what happened?" She took a deep breath and smiled, but it was anything but happy. I felt anxiety seep into my chest, making it feel like a stone was stuck in my throat, and as much as I tried to remove it, it wouldn't budge. She was never this upset over something, as she usually got over things quite carelessly.

"Your...your dad escaped prison." My heart skipped a beat at that as my face dropped, my body going cold. I repeated the sentence in my head over and over, tensing.

"...what?" A small chuckle full of disbelief rumbled in my throat as my hand tightened around hers, squeezing painfully.

"What did you just say?" I heard her sigh and place her other hand above mine, trying to get me to relax, but I wasn't planning on relaxing anytime soon. That bastard was out of jail.

"Honey, I told you to stay calm. The police are looking everywhere for him, they will capture him, don't worry. Everything will be fine." I shook my head in anger. This was the last thing I needed through everything. First my mental health, then that demon bitch, then those two creeps, and now this?

"No, nothing will be fine, mom. How the fuck did he escape prison? That fucking bitch has no braincells!" She slightly grinned at that, softly shaking her head as she took her hands out of mine and sipped on her cup.

"I don't know, but I honestly don't care as long as he leaves us alone." I looked out the window, trying to think of anything but the bitter truth I just found out of. The white sparkling snow atop the trees and sidewalks brought a calming aura around the city. I took in a deep breath and looked back at her, smiling slightly to ease her nerves. It was clear she had been worried of my reaction.

"Don't worry about it. I'm not a little kid anymore." She nodded sadly at that, looking down absentmindedly at the cup that she was holding. I ate a bit of my desert and started a small conversation to get the attention off of the news.

We continued talking about various topics, none mentioning my 'dad' again. 


Soon, it was time to leave. We payed for the orders and said our goodbyes, and I left. I was slightly regretting not telling Noah to pick me up, but it was too late now. I had to walk home.

The trees around me were glissening under the sunlight from a thin layer of ice. I took a deep breath in, slightly cringing from the cold air, thinking over everything that has happened in the last few weeks.

It didn't even feel real at this point. It felt like something from a nightmare, only remembering bits and pieces of the worst parts. I hadn't had any time to actually rest mentally, going from one thing to another.

From the weird lapses of memory loss, to the Operator, to Masky and Hoodie, and now my dad. It was a nonstop cycle, one I desperately needed to escape from. 

But it seems life had other plans for me, since I felt a hand roughly grab my wrist, another wrapping around my mouth. My back was pressed into someone behind me, and I immediately panicked when I recognised them. It only took as much as the scent and actions to realize who it was. 

The man chuckled lowly when he noticed my panic. "Glad you didn't forget about me."

My foot hit his knee with blunt force, and then I spit on his hand covering my mouth, making him remove it out of disgust. I immediately throw my head back and success in hitting his nose. He groans and steps back.

With adrenaline flowing through my veins, I pull my wrist out of his hand and run.


Been a while since I posted, and I'm sorry for that, but I've been busy with school.

 See you next time.

Static memory// 18+ // A marble Hornets romance.Where stories live. Discover now