#3 . Mishap

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 What have I done?

You fucked up..

Shut it.

The man in front of me just stared at me wordlessly, clearly shocked and taken aback. I looked around us, thankfully no one else was out here to have seen my accidental outburst. I swallowed thickly as I searched for words, any justification for reasonlessly yelling at him to shut up. Well, I wasn't yelling at him, but it's better if he didn't know that. I know, I might have seemed too chill right now, but trust me, I wasn't.

"I'm sorry- Did I say something wrong? What happened? Are you alright?" He rambled, yet I was barely paying any attention. I couldn't think of any better excuse, so I said this.

"No! No, you didn't say anything, I'm the one that's sorry. You see, I have a terrible headache and I said that out of habit. I have a habit for doing that when my head hurts, got it from my brother, heh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it!" I laughed sheepishly as I finished, crossing my fingers under the table.

"Eve... Don't lie to me." He continued staring at me worriedly, and I could feel myself shrink under his gaze. The reason why I always found him so intimidating finally caught up with me, nagging at me to get away from him. But I wouldn't. I fucked up enough for one day. I laughed again, brushing his comment off.

"Don't worry, I'm not lying, Noah. I'm for real." I ended my sentence with a careless smile. His attitude didn't change.

"Are you sure you want to be here, darling?" No.

"Yeah, of course! I love this place, and I'd love to have dinner with you. Don't worry." He sighed, but finally smiled tiredly.

"Alright then, if you say so." I internally sighed heavily in relief. Close call. 


A few minutes later the waiter came with our drinks. We continued the small peaceful talk, myself feeling more calm since he didn't seem affected by the prior outburst. I often gazed out at the quiet forest, from where only the soft rustling of leaves and the small sounds of insects could be heard. Once, though, I thought I saw movement in my peripheral vision, but I just shrugged it off. Hallucinations were common these days. In a bit the food came. It truly was delicious. I had gotten pasta with shrimps, my favourite food of all times. After finishing, we talked a bit more.

"So, how is your family?" He asked.

"They're fine, I guess. I don't really talk to them much." I tried to hide emotion from my voice. I didn't like my family, especially my dad.

"Have you, uh, talked to your father?" I felt slight anger at the question. True, he didn't know what my 'dad' did to me, but he can't just ask that.

"No. He is in prison. And, don't call him my 'father'. He's no father to me." He sighed at the sudden anger in my tone, putting his hand over mine on the table.

"Eve, I know you dislike him, but he's still your father. And I'm sure he still cares about you." I kept myself together surprisingly well at what he said, my response being abnormally calm.

"I don't think you would say that if you knew what he did, Noah. There was no 'care' in what he did. I doubt he even regrets it." He made eye contact, his gaze trying to read mine. I showed no emotion whatsoever, though.

"What did he do to fuck up so bad..?" His voice was almost to a whisper.

"It doesn't matter anymore." I whispered back. He fell silent after that. No more questions. He just gazed at the starlit sky. I then noticed, as I looked down at the table, his hand was still over mine, massaging is softly. Butterflies slightly fluttered in my chest at that, bringing a small smile to my face, until I just shook the feeling off.  

I was enjoying the quiet, until he stopped moving his hand and tensed. I furrowed my brows, about to question him but he beat me to it.

"What the fuck..." He whispered, to nobody in particular. I followed his gaze to the forest, finally understanding his reaction. I panicked, shooting up subconsciously as my mind went in circles. He also stumbled to a stand, looking at me, also panicked. He spoke, but I couldn't comprehend what he was saying, focusing more on what I was looking at. He seemed to have noticed my state, because he picked me up bridal style and bolted for the door. I didn't understand anything after that.

What I saw... It seems so familiar, but I can't remember it. I don't remember what I saw. I don't remember what happened after Noah picked me up and ran, it's completely blank to me.

I also don't know how I ended up in the middle of the forest. Where I was right fucking now.



Kind of a shorter chapter, but I just NEEDED to put a cliffhanger here. I just love cliffhangers hehe xP

Tell me what you think of it. I know I said I would add drama on this one, but what I wrote isn't much of a drama. I just didn't wanna start too hardcore like with Eve fighting with Noah so soon in the story. He will have a big role here, so pay attention to him!

BTW, what do y'all think Eve's dad has done???

Anyway, have a splendid day!

Static memory// 18+ // A marble Hornets romance.Where stories live. Discover now