#6 . Absquatulate

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                                         -(Noah POV)-

I had no idea what the hell was going on. 

One minute I find her front door wide open, the next someone had broken in her house, next I was being tackled. This was too confusing, though I had more important things to worry about. One of them being the passed out girl in my bed. I wanted to ask her what has been going on with her. Why when she saw the hooded person, familiarity flashed in her eyes. What actually happened when she missed work. Things were all too messed up right now, but I have to take them one at a time. Just need to remain calm.

I had taken her to my house after the whole 'someone-breaking-into-her-house-and-someone-else-trying-to-kill-me' situation. There ain't no way in hell I was leaving her alone, not after that. 

As I was rethinking everything, trying to figure out what was going on, I saw movement in my bed. My head shot in the direction, eyes meeting the girl's gray ones, but I didn't see the usual glint in her eyes. The nervous, anxious glint she has had for the past few months. No, there was nothing but confusion, annoyance and aggression in her eyes. It's as if I didn't recognise her anymore, when I cautiously mumbled her name.

"Evelyn?" She didn't respond, and her demeanour didn't change. The look she was giving me was almost threatful, and it was enough to get me tense. This wasn't like her.

"Are you alright?" I tried again, but no response. Our gazes were locked together, yet I noticed the small movements she cautiously made to get up. I had a bad feeling, so I also slowly rose from my seat.

She didn't seem to like that though, as when she was finally in a sitting position, she broke eye contact, shot to a stand and bolted for the door. 

"Hey!" I shouted, though she didn't stop. At this point I was running after her. She seemed lost, propably looking for the entrance. Good thing my house is big. I also noticed that she was quite slower than me, having almost reached her when she got to the first floor. 

"Shit!" I cursed out under my breath when I saw her head snap to the entrance, making a sharp turn and almost reaching the doorhandle, but I managed to grab her arm in time and pull her away from it.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked as I pushed her up against the wall, holding both of her hands in place. For the third time, she did not answer, still grunting angrily as she tried to get away from me, gaze still locked on the entrance. 

"Hey, stop. Relax." I attempted on calming her, though it didn't work. "Eve, look at me." She continued the same, not even registering my words. "Evelyn." No reaction. "Quit it." 

She growled and shot her knee up to my stomach, though I raised my own, blocking her attack. 

"I said quit it!" I growled, catching her attention, as she froze for a moment to look at me before attempting to headbutt me, but I grabbed both her hands with one of mine and grabbed her chin with my now free hand, locking her in place. I could feel her heavy breaths on my neck, her being around 2 and a half inches shorter than me. I made eye contact and tried to read her, see what was going on inside her head, though the only thing she was displaying was anger and defeat. 

"Let. Me. Go." She hissed aggressively, but I did the complete opposite.

"Not until you calm yourself." Was my response, which seemed to irritate her even more. 

"I'm perfectly calm." She stated, though she looked anything but. 

"Don't lie to me, Evelyn." I muttered quietly, continuing to hold her gaze, but this time I noticed a change. It was almost as if she remembered something, and she seemed to relax slightly. 

"Noah...?"I heard her whisper ever so quietly, though she was still tense. 

"What's wrong? Why are you running from me?" I looked at her hopefully.

She paused, visibly relaxing, but she immediately tensed again. "Let me go, please." She attempted, but I still did not. I wasn't going to let her run away without an explanation, nor with those people from earlier still out there. And certainly not in the middle of the night. 

"I can't." She got slightly angry at that. "Just tell me what's wrong. What's going on?" 

She began struggling again, this time less aggressively, but more desperately.

"I need to go.." She muttered more to herself.

"Go where?" No response. Her movements became harsher as one of her hands slipped from mine, and she was about to bolt off again, but I did the only thing I could think of that could calm her down. Not guaranteed, but it's worth a shot.

I tighened my hold on her chin as I kept her in place, and placed my lips against hers. 


I could feel small fluttering build up in my chest from the sensation of my lips on hers, though I payed no mind to it. I more focused on the girl I was kissing, who was clearly caught off guard as she halted all movements, eyes wide, her cheeks slightly tinting. She seemed to finally get herself together though, as she tried to pull away, but I moved my hand from her chin to the back of her head, noticing her slowly accepting it as she closed her eyes. It wasn't an intense kiss, so she could still breathe, but it was enough to distract her from her previous outburst. Finally, I decided it was enough, and though I didn't really want to, I broke the kiss. 

She did not open her eyes, and then I noticed the hand she had placed on my chest, previously being used to push me off, but now just resting there. 

This was really not the time to be thinking about feelings, I told myself, and I saw her slowly open her eyes, looking at me, her gaze unsure. I didn't understand why though, until she slowly leaned in, occasionally glancing to my eyes for any denial, and when she didn't recieve any, she planted her lips on mine softly, closing her eyes again and relaxing in my hold. I also closed my eyes, moving my lips slowly against hers, refusing to let go. 

All that happened earlier didn't bother me anymore, and I slowly let go of her hand and placed mine on the small of her back. I didn't think of letting her go, not yet, she could still run away, so I just kept her body close to mine, enjoying the moment as it lasted. 

She pulled away, not opening her eyes again as she lowered her head and slowly wrapped her arms around my torso.

"Sorry.." She mumbled, resting her head on my shoulder, and her body slowly falling limp. I was unsure what to think of that. Did she fall asleep? Passed out maybe? I wasn't sure, though I just picked her up and took her back to my bed. I was already exhausted, so I layed down beside her and turned the lights off, deciding to question her in the morning.


Yaay! Finally published another chapter that took me forever to write T-T 

I wasn't sure what to do here, but shot out to my bff for giving me the idea of him kissing her to calm her down :) Thanks bud!

Anyways, I hope this chapter wasn't too confusing, but I will clarify some things in the next one.


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