#5 . Epiphany

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I struggled to keep my scream in as we both fell, Noah's arm around my waist tightening protectively. I closed my eyes, bracing for contact, but it never came. 

Slightly shocked, I opened my eyes slowly and looked around, noticing we were not so high off the ground.

..what? How?

My eyes travelled to Noah's face, that still had that shiteating smirk on while looking at me. I sent him a confused look, to which he glanced up.

I followed his gaze, noticing he was hanging off of a tree branch. Oh. He suddenly released me, catching me off guard as I slightly yelped and went to wrap my arms around his neck, successfully saving myself from the fall. 

"Pussy." He muttered under his breath and I sent him my hardest glare, before looking down. It wasn't high, so I let go, landing on my feet.

He let go a bit after me, also landing on his feet with a soft thud, and we both looked up to my window. What we saw got us freezing in place, my heart feeling as if it was going to stop any second.

There, looking down at us, stood a person. They were wearing a mustard-coloured hoodie, with the hood over their head. Their face was covered by a full-faced black mask, with two red circles for eyes and a red frown stitched to it. They also seemed to be wearing black gloves, which were only visible by the unnecessarily tight grip they had on the windowsill. 

I stood still as I looked at where their eyes would be, familiarity taking over me as dread ate me alive. How? I haven't met or seen them before, or at least I think so.

The man(?) tilted his head in my direction, waving at me mockingly. This caused Noah to look at me weirdly, as if expecting an explanation, but I didn't say anything, nor did I look at him. I kept my gaze locked with the hooded man, brain yelling at me to run away, to get away from him, though my body refused. Another part of me knew him, was comfortable with him. Wanted to go back up there and follow him wherever he lead me. 

Ok that's it, I'm going to a mental doctor.

"C-Come on." I heard the man beside me mutter, grabbing my arm and dragging me away. I suddenly felt dizzy as a shiver ran down my spine, telling me I was being watched. Slowly looking back at the hooded man, he nodded in my direction, but I noticed his head was slightly tilted to the right. At that moment, I heard Noah yelp, and something fall to the ground. 

I turned around.

I could do nothing but stand there, gazing at the scene before me, feeling moments away from passing out. A headache, dizzyness and fatigue could barely describe how I felt, but I couldn't just stand there and watch Noah possibly get killed.

So, I did the only thing I could at the moment. I jumped on the other person's back. He grunted under me, trying to get me off without letting Noah go, but I refused, clinging onto his tan jacket with all my might. Noah was holding onto his stomach where he had previously been hit by the masked guy, telling me to leave, to run, but I am a hard headed bitch, so I didn't. 

Though my 'attack' wasn't going to work for long, I figured, upon noticing the strength of the man under me. With a growl he threw me off, but I wasn't giving up there. With a quick swipe, I reached out and grabbed the band holding his white mask on his face, and made a move to yank it off, pulling at his hair on the process. He didn't like that, though. 

"No!" He yelled out, muffled by the mask as he held onto it with his left hand. I hissed as I fell on the hard pavement, already feeling the scratches forming on my back from the rocks underneath me. My 'mask disturbance' though, seemed to have given Noah enough time to get himself together, since he threw a punch at the masked man, followed by a knee to the crotch, successfully knocking him off of himself. Said man groaned, also falling on the pavement, holding his crotch as quiet swears left his lips. Noah scrambled to his feet, walking over and picking me up bridal style, before running away. 

The second time he has done this. 

I blushed slightly at the thought, flattered and grateful to the man. Though I doubted I could walk with how I felt, along with the pain of the harsh fall, I felt bad, since he was the one to have been tackled, not me. 

"I can walk, you don't have to hold me." I whispered softly, physically unable to mutter any more. The worry was clear on my face, I figured, from his response.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine, you don't look fine though. Did he hurt you much?" He whispered back, a bit louder than me. I shook my head no, closing my eyes.

"Why didn't you run when I told you to..?" I heard him speak once more, opening my eyes tiredly and gazing at his well-defined jaw. It took me a while to process what he had asked, him glancing down at me ever so often, as to make sure I was ok. 

"I couldn't.. L-Let you die, could I?" I weakly whispered the only response I could come up with. Was it the full truth? I'm not sure.

"I wouldn't have died. I was handling the situation just fine." He mumbled under his breath, earning a weak chuckle from me.

"Yeah, sure." I felt lightheaded and extremely tired, closing my eyes as I passed out.


                                    -(??? POV)-

"Ugh, it's gonna be difficult now that he's around."  The two walked along the dark empty road, footsteps barely audible."Did you find anything useful in her apartment?"

"No." A pause. "She was... She was watching Marble Hornets though... She had forgotten her laptop on and playing." Silence took over the two, and they didn't speak for a while.

"What entry was she at..?" The shortest of the two asked hesitantly.

"When I went in the room Entry #12 was playing, though I doubt she watched any further than Regards. Her idiotic 'friend' must have interrupted her before they heard me." He clarified, letting his tone make it clear the topic was over.

"...What now..?" The other mumbled.

"For now we make a slow approach. We have to find a way to get Harper away from her, though. If she's infected, she can get him infected too. We can't get her to trust us by force either." He responded quickly.



FINALLY we are getting into the actual story xd

Also, Harper is Noah's last name, don't get confused.

That should be it, bye bye!

Static memory// 18+ // A marble Hornets romance.Where stories live. Discover now