#10 . Dissonance

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I closed my eyes, sinking into my seat. Just relax.

I didn't get to though, because my heart jumped to my throat when Noah suddenly pressed the brakes with a shout.

I snapped my eyes open..


"Shit shit shit SHIT!" Noah then muttered as I stared ahead, unbelief making it's way into my tired mind.

"Crap.."I mumbled as I stared at the creature in front of our car. It slowly and freakishly tilted it's head. 

A headache stared to form then, and I recognised the noise in my ears as static. I looked towards Noah, who was extremely tense and muttering curses under his breath. His hands were gripping the steering wheel in a white-knuckle grip and his eyes were wide. 

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! IT TO OPEN THE WAY FOR US?? MOVE!" I yelled at him with a shaky voice and gripped his arm tightly, shaking him out of the trance he seemed in. 

His leg moved along with his arm, and he smashed the gas, sending the car backwards in terrifying speed.

"Stop. Stop it, you're gonna kill us both!" I choked out shaking him again and squeezing his arm in a death grip. 

He didn't stop. 

I looked behind, trying to make out anything dangerous, and surely, in a few kilometres there was a sharp turn. Meaning if we continued going straight, we would crash right into a tree with full force. 

So i got into action and did the only thing that came to mind.

I drew my hand back, and bitchslapped the hell out of him.

This caused him to jump in response as his head flew to the side. He was about to protest, but he seemed to realize the situation as his eyes widened even more and he slammed the brakes once more.

The car screeched to a stop just before hitting the tree. Missing by a couple of inches.

We just took a moment to breathe. To let the adrenaline die down, which left fatigue to wash over my body. My brain was still processing the situation as I looked over to Noah, who was pressing the brakes with all his might and gripping the steering wheel with wide eyes.

"What the fuck..." I hissed out as what happened finally hit me. 

"...We almost fucking died. What the hell was that..?" 

He turned his head to me slowly as he whispered something. 

"I almost fucking killed us." I scoffed at this, the mood I was in only worsening with the turn of events. Whatever that thing was, it wasn't planning on leaving us be anytime soon, I knew it.

"No shit! You want a reward for it??" And when I am in a bad mood, sarcasm is my best friend.

He clicked his tounge and his eyes narrowed, almost in a glare. "Cut it with the attitude, will you?"

"Remind me why I'm in a car with you." I mumbled under my breath, trying to calm myself. The imbecile next to me though, seemed to have other plans.

"Cause I actually have responsibility and wish to not let you get yourself killed." I let out a forced laugh as I stared at him in fake amusement.

"Says the one who almost goddamn killed us!" I was livid and, though it wasn't entirely his fault, he was pissing me off and I was going to rightfully take it out on him. He's doing the same to me, isn't he?

Static memory// 18+ // A marble Hornets romance.Where stories live. Discover now