#7 . Dreams and nightmares

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I was running.

I didn't know where, or from what, but I wasn't stopping. I could feel the headache that was beginning to form from the loud static blaring in my ears. My legs were burning and my lungs were yelling at me to stop and take a breath, but I didn't. I couldn't risk it, for I could practically feel the dark aura of whatever was chasing me. My hands went to cover my ears, begging to stop the noise, but it did no good. It felt as if the static was carved inside my head.

A cry escaped my lips as I finally collapsed, crawling to a nearby tree and bringing my knees to my chest. I wrapped my arms around my legs and tucked my head in the closed space, trying to become as small as possible as to not be seen. Tears were staining my cheeks and my head was pounding, I wanted -no- I needed the static to stop. Just as I was about to jump out at whatever was following me, to end my miserable experience, it went quiet.

No static, no ringing, nothing. It was eerily quiet, not even birds chirping or leaves rustling, nothing. I slowly opened my eyes and raised my head, finally registering where I was. A forest with tall pine trees, half of the trees stripped of their leaves. The grass was dry, though it made no sound when I stepped on it. What?

My train of thought was interrupted upon noticing the figure standing in front of me, a couple of inches away.

How hadn't I noticed him before?

I recognised him to be the Hooded Man that broke into my house, same hoodie and mask. I now saw he was wearing blue jeans. I relaxed upon recognising him, but the thought got me tense again. Why the hell am I relaxing? This guy literally broke into my apartment and his (presumably) friend attacked Noah!

Noah... Where is he? What happened after we fleeted from the masked men? Is he okay? Is he looking for me?

My worried thoughts were cut short once more when I noticed the Hooded Man slowly and carefully walk towards me, to which I responded with a growl.

"Stay the fuck away from me." He stopped and stared (I think?), before approaching me again, this time slower, while slowly raising his hands. It look as if he was trying not to scare me. I let him, though still on guard in case he tried anything. Seeing my allowance, he let his hands fall to his sides, movements still slow, sitting cross-legged in front of me, keeping his distance. We didn't speak for a while, his head turned in my direction the whole time while I avoided eye contact(tried to, I still couldn't see his eyes). He was propably staring at me, I figured, and though I'm not supposed to talk to strangers (especially those who broke into my house), a question nagged at the back of my brain.

"Why did your friend attack Noah?" I blurted out finally, looking at the man who seemed taken aback. I shifted my gaze to the trees again. He didn't answer for a while, and just when I started thinking he was ignoring me, he spoke.

"You wouldn't understand." I flinched upon hearing his voice, deep and robotic. I stared back at him, deciding to ignore the demonic voice, and focusing on the words.

"And why is that, hm?" He didn't respond, but I gave him no time to. "You think you can just break into my house and attack my friend without even giving a reason, yes?" I spit at him angrily, stumbling to a stand. He still didn't react, so I turned and prepared to leave, already forgetting about the terror of earlier. Just as I was about to take a step though, I heard him speak.

"There was a reason. For both." He spoke slowly, clearly trying to pick his words carefully. I turned my head to him. "Though I cannot tell you now, cause there are things you don't, and shouldn't yet know. I will tell you when the time comes." My eyes narrowed at his response, though I didn't complain. I was contemplating whether to leave or not, but he beat me to it.

Static memory// 18+ // A marble Hornets romance.Where stories live. Discover now