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The skiff begins to move into the Fold, and I try to look around me to see who surrounds me. I look back at the darkness ahead of us, trying to stay calm. After a bit passes, the Darkling asks Ivan, "Can you feel them?"

"No heartbeats yet, sir."

I try to feel my powers with my hands but can't. I hear volcra screeching in the distance, and I look at Alina. "They're coming." she says. "Yes." "I should just tear this down now!"

Kirigan adds, "And what can you really do on your own? Besides, it would be a monumental waste of power. For the both of you." "It's not like she will be alone, Darkling." He grabs my arm and releases some indigo power.

The guests on the skiff see me in shock and realize something may be wrong. I feel more volcra surround us, and Alina begs Kirigan, "Do something." Alina begins to motion her hands, and I try to kill the Volcra around us. He grabs both of our shoulders.

"No. Remember who's driving." He uses Alina to summon a straight tunnel of light to find where we are going. I see a volcra pass by, and the tighter he grips my shoulder, the more I feel weak. A blast of indigo energy goes towards the Volcra and eliminates it, disappearing into nothing by ash.

I fall back and look at him. "Both of your powers are mine now." Murmurs behind us make them feel fear but also curiosity.

"Why this half measure? Why just carve a tunnel? You have me. You have this. Destroy the Fold. You said we could." Alina asks. "And why would we destroy the Fold? It's the greatest weapon that we've got."

I realize what I am here for. I see what his plan was all along. If the Fold is the best weapon, he will use me to make it even more dangerous. My power will make the Fold even more substantial than what the light can do.

The skiff stops right before Novokribrisk's loading dock, and one of the dignitaries asks, "Why have we stopped?"

"One more demonstration. You've seen what the Sun Summoner can do. Now bear witness to what I can do..." I try to run at him, but my leg is tied. "With her power and the Chaoswitch's power."

Kirigan grabs my arm, and I feel the power slowly radiate out of me. I can't control it. Alina says, "Whatever is it you want me to do, I won't do it."

He says, "You've done your part. Now I shall do mine and Y/N's." The General goes behind me and then grabs my hands with his. Indigo energy bursts out of me, and with his power, he uses his hands to expand the shadows of the Fold towards the dock.

Indigo energy is infused with his shadow, helping push it even further. I cry out and scream in protest. "What have you done?" Alina asks. She then expands the tunnel of her light, ensuring no one is harmed by the General doings.

Kirigan walks away from me and goes over to Alina, in return, which drains me of all my power. I fall to the ground, weakened and scarred. "No, you don't." He grabs Alina's arm, stopping the light from expanding.

"They are traitors who tried to kill you. This is retribution." Alina gets out of his hold and falls back in terror. The Darkling then faces the audience.

He says, "Today, we redraw all the maps. With the power of the Sun Summoner at my command, and the Chaoswitch to amplify me, I control the Fold. And its monsters. I can move it to any border I like. Engulf any harbor. Consume any city. Take what you have seen back to your home countries. Tell the Fjerdans. Tell the Shu Han. There will be no more war with Ravka. All countries will answer to us. For who would oppose us now?"

Beauty of Annihilation (Kaz Brekker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now