The Morning

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Todoroki woke up early in his dorm room on a foggy Saturday morning. Since it was the weekend, everyone in his class planned to go to the mall all day, but he didn't feel like he had enough energy for it. Instead, he just headed downstairs *everyone is still asleep* and made some cold soba for breakfast in the kitchen.

[Todoroki's Mind]: 'I wonder if Midoriya is going... maybe I could stick with him if he is." He thought unconsciously and sat down on the couch in the common room.

All of a sudden, he heard footsteps coming from the hall behind him. He didn't give much thought to it *he wasn't even startled* and guessed it was probably Bakugo or Tsu since they usually wake up early as well. When he glanced over his shoulder to see who it was, he was kind of shocked. Mina passed by without noticing him and looked so drowsy that it seemed like she might fall over at any moment. He didn't say a word and kept enjoying his soba.

[Mina]: "OH MY GOSH TODOROKI! I think my soul left my body for a second there..." She shrieked when she finally noticed him sitting quietly on the couch.

[Todoroki]: "Morning. Did you sleep?" He asked with a mouthful of soba.

[Mina]: "No... not really. I kept having nightmares, I have no idea why. It kept me up ALL night, can you believe it? Like, why would my brain try to keep me awake if it's tired..." She complained while making herself a bowl of cereal.

[Mina]: "Not to mention that we also have a trip to the mall today! Hopefully I won't be drowsy all day..." She sighed and walked over to the other couch across from him.

[Todoroki]: "Do you have advice on asking someone out?" He asked out of the blue, and made it sound like it wasn't a big deal.

Mina choked on a spoonful of cereal, not expecting him to ask a question like that.

[Todoroki]: "You good?" He was about to go put his bowl of soba down to help her but she waved her hand at him, signaling she was fine.

[Mina]: "I'm sorry Todoroki. What? Why do you need that kind of advice?" She stopped choking, and was very curious now.

[Todoroki]: "It's for a friend." He lied smoothly and continued to eat his soba.

[Mina]: "Oh! Umm, ok? I'd tell your friend to just look for signs if their crush likes them back. Assuming it's a crush right?" She didn't dare take another spoonful of cereal, afraid he was going to ask another unexpected question.

[Todoroki]: "What kind of signs?" He wondered.

[Mina]: "Dilated pupils, getting nervous or excited when they see them, blushing, and so on. You know you can look these things up, right?" She checked off a list on each finger and chuckled.

[Todoroki]: "It's better to hear it from someone who has experience." He remarked.

[Mina]: "I guess so. What makes you think I have experience?" She smirked.

[Todoroki]: "Don't your friends like other people and they go to you for advice?" He paused eating his soba.

[Mina]: "Yeah, they do. Even the boys come to me for advice, but honestly, I thought you'd be the last person asking me for advice, even if it's for a friend. It's kind of surreal talking to you." She admitted.

[Todoroki]: "Surreal?"

[Mina]: "Yea! You don't really talk to anyone, let alone me."

[Todoroki]: "Really? Sorry about that." He hadn't really noticed before, since he just talks with Iida, Uraraka, and Midoriya.

[Mina]: "Oh! Someone's coming! It sounds like two someones." She heard footsteps down the hall.

Kirishima and Kaminari trudged down the hall, looking half dead coming towards them.

[Mina]: "Woah, looks like you guys had a worse night than me!" She chuckled and walked over to them.

[Kirishima]: "I stayed up so late... I regret going down a rabbit hole on Pinterest..." He rubbed his eyes and sat down on the floor.

[Kaminari]: "I woke up in the middle of the night to Bakugo yelling at something..." He grumbled and sat down next to him.

[Mina]: "Yikes, that sounds rough. Do you guys want me to get you anything?" She started to feel more awake, especially after her talk with Todoroki.

They both shook their heads and sighed. Todoroki heard one more set of footsteps coming from the hall in front of him and knew who it was immediately since the steps sounded angry. Bakugo entered the common room and glanced down at Kirishima and Kaminari, wondering what they were doing on the floor.

[Bakugo]: "Fucking idiots. Get off the floor." He scowled and walked over.

[Kirishima]: "I'm so tired..." He muttered.

Bakugo unexpectedly picked up Kirishima from under his arms and dragged him onto the couch.

[Bakugo]: "I'm not doing you a fucking favor. You're just in my way to the kitchen." He grumbled with a barely noticeable blush across his face and walked over to get some breakfast.

[Mina]: "So many unexpected things this morning... I think it's a record." She grinned mischievously.

Slowly over the next hour and a half, more people woke up and came into the common room. Todoroki had finished his soba a while ago and just sat with his thoughts on the couch. He wished there was a way to escape all of this just for a few hours and only be with Midoriya. Just as he was thinking that, Midoriya was the last person to walk into the common room *with Tokoyami* and he looked more tired than Kaminari and Kirishima earlier. He plopped down on the couch, not bothering to get any breakfast, and curled up next to a pillow. Todoroki instantly felt happier inside now that Midoriya was in the room, even though he was about to fall asleep.

[Todoroki]: "Do you want a blanket?" He was ready to go grab one.

[Midoriya]: "No... I'll get one in a sec..." He barely mumbled.

Todoroki got up anyway and grabbed a gray wool blanket from a cabinet down the hall. He draped it completely over Midoriya; only the top of his hair stuck out.

[Todoroki's Mind]: 'Cute...' The thought strayed across his mind but he quickly looked away with a small blush.

[Bakugo]: "Fucking nerd never gets any sleep. He's taking up half the fucking couch." He glared nastily at Midoriya who was under the blanket.

[Todoroki]: "Not everyone sleeps well. Just sit right here." He got out of his seat on the corner of the couch.

[Bakugo]: "DROP DEAD ICY-HOT! There's no way in hell that I'll sit next to that nerd!" He stomped away back to his dorm room.

Todoroki sighed and sat down back in his seat. He glanced over, and sure enough, Midoriya was fast asleep already. All of a sudden, the main door to the building opened up and in came Aizawa.

[Aizawa]: "Everyone get ready. We're leaving in 10 minutes." He said drowsily, and everyone immediately rushed back to their dorm rooms to change.

[Aizawa]: "Are you not going, Todoroki?" He saw him still sitting on the couch.

[Todoroki]: "No, and neither is Midoriya. When he wakes up, we might head to town on our own."

[Aizawa]: "I'm not trusting two problem children to go out on their own. Either you come to the mall with me or stay here." He ordered with a mildly annoyed expression.

[Todoroki]: "I guess we'll stay here then." He assured him.

During the next 10 minutes, the rest of his classmates rushed back downstairs and bolted for the bus outside. Todoroki thought Bakugo wouldn't go as well, but Kirishima somehow convinced him. He sensed something between them but couldn't put a finger on it.

[Aizawa]: "Ok, that's everyone except for Todoroki and Midoriya. Make sure you two stay here until we get back." He glared at them before shutting the door behind him. 

As Todoroki watched his class leave, all he thought about was how the next few hours with Midoriya were going to go. 

(and that's a wrap for chapter one! Thanks for reading so far, see ya in the next chapter!)

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