Forced Confession

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The next morning, Midoriya woke up with a mild cold since he stayed out in the rain so much last night. Even though he was supposed to be in school and hero training again today, he was ordered to stay in the dorms. Iida and Uraraka told Aizawa that Todoroki was missing, so pro heroes are keeping an eye out in the city all day to try and find him.

[Midoriya]: "Now that everyone's gone... I should get some breakfast." He headed downstairs and left the cat in his room since he didn't want to risk having another fight with Kacchan.

After making himself a bowl of cereal, he quickly ate it and headed back upstairs. It was still raining outside, but not nearly as much as last night. For most of the day he just did school work, chilled with the cat, and he even went outside for a couple hours to look for Todoroki even though he was told not to. When he finished eating dinner on his own, he sat in his room, feeling empty inside.

[Midoriya]: "I know I have Iida and Uraraka... but it's not the same unless Todoroki is there." He curled up on his bed.

[Midoriya's Mind]: "This cat has stuck with me through thick and thin for this whole week... I don't know what I would've done without him." He stroked the cat's head and slowly fell asleep.

The next morning, Midoriya woke up feeling way better, and was told to go to school and hero training today but to take it easy. The whole morning, he had a lot of trouble focusing in class which usually never happened. He couldn't help but constantly think about Todoroki, and he didn't do well with hiding it.

[Iida]: "Midoriya-kun, we've all been worried about Todoroki, but you seem so worried that you can't focus in class." He tried to bring up a conversation during lunch.

[Midoriya]: "Isn't it normal to be really worried? He's our classmate, we should be going out to find him instead of staying in the dorms and school all day!" His foot tapped nervously under the table.

[Mina]: "Is there maybe another reason why you're worried?" She said slyly, sitting next to him out of nowhere.

[Midoriya]: "Wha- what?!" His face turned bright red as he fell over on the seat (part of it was Mina surprising him but it was mainly because he felt called out/exposed).

[Mina]: "Come with me for some girl talk." She grinned, grabbing Midoriya by the arms and walked away.

[Midoriya]: "WAIT! I didn't finish my lunch!!!" He yelled worriedly as he was dragged away.

[Uraraka]: "Don't kill him, Mina!" She burst out laughing.

Midoriya walked around outside with Mina, nervously fiddling with his hands.

[Midoriya]: "What did you want to ask me???" He finally said after a couple awkward moments of her staring suspiciously at him.

[Mina]: "Midoriya, you've been to plenty of girl talks, you should know what I'm about to ask you." She chuckled evilly.

[Midoriya]: "I don't know! My food is probably really cold by now..." He stopped and looked back at the entrance to the cafeteria.

[Mina]: "Please Midoriya! I'm just really curious and so are a lot of the girls... do you like Todoroki? Because you've been acting strange, especially around him for nearly a month now." She put her hands on his shoulders and made him face her so he couldn't walk back.

[Midoriya]: "In what way??? He's a really good person and definitely will be a great hero-"

[Mina]: "Ima stop you right there and correct my wording. *ahem* Do you have a crush on Todoroki?" She interrupted him.

Midoriya took a moment to process what she said, and when he did, he fell to the floor with a blush covering his whole face.

[Mina]: "Ima take that as a yes." She giggled mischievously and dragged him back inside.

[Iida]: "Mina! What did you do?!" He ran up to her and snatched Midoriya from her arms.

[Mina]: "Just girl talk. See ya later!" She walked back over to the other girls at her table to tell them what happened.

[Uraraka]: "Mina's really direct sometimes... I'll ask her what happened later." She shrugged and kept eating her lunch.

[Iida]: "Are you seriously not WORRIED about this?!" He set Midoriya down on the seat.

[Uraraka]: "He'll be fine. If he can break all the bones in his arms and not feel anything for an hour, I think he can handle this." *casually eats Mochi*

Midoriya finally snapped out of his trance right before he had to go to hero training. On the news, it was said that Endeavor himself was now leading most of the patrol teams that were looking for Todoroki in the city. Even Aizawa was out looking for him, so they all had a sub today, which was Midnight. They did hero training that involved tricking your opponent and how to evade traps set by an enemy. Midoriya did decent, despite the fact that his body was on autopilot while his mind was thinking about his talk with Mina, as well as Todoroki being missing. After the class got back, it started raining again and no one went back outside.

[Midoriya]: "I have to see if the cat is on my patio..." He muttered to himself as he ran up the stairs, too excited to take the elevator.

When he got into his room and looked outside, the cat wasn't there.

Todoroki sat on the main porch of the dorm building, off to the side in case someone walked out the door. Ever since Midoriya left this morning, he'd been thinking all day about the choice he made, and what he should do about it. The rain pattered slightly on his face since he was almost completely under the awning.

[Todoroki]: "Maybe... I should turn back... even my father is out looking for me despite how much he doesn't really care about me. And Midoriya... he's so worried... there's nothing I can do for him like this." Thoughts raced through his head as thunder boomed in the sky.

[Todoroki]: "What should I do..." He felt all of the guilt from his decision finally hit him.

As he walked out onto the grass, rain poured on his fur, making him drenched in an instant. He didn't feel bothered by it, instead he sat down and embraced it.  

(heyoooo, cya in the next chapter!)

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