The Mask

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Everything was completely quiet; only the sound of birds singing outside remained. Todoroki had heard from Uraraka that Midoriya really likes Katsudon, so he looked up the recipe and went into the kitchen to make it. It took him about an hour to make it since it was more complicated to make than his usual cold soba and he messed up the first time. Midoriya woke up to the smell of Katsudon and his face immediately lit up. He stood up with the blanket wrapped around himself and walked to the kitchen to see who was making it.

[Midoriya]: "Todoroki?" He was kind of surprised when he saw him.

[Todoroki]: "Oh. Morning Midoriya. I made you some Katsudon." His heart skipped a beat when he saw him since he didn't expect him to be awake.

[Midoriya]: "Oh my gosh, really? You didn't have to; sorry I woke up so late, otherwise I would've made something for myself." He felt bad for putting him through the trouble of making it.

[Todoroki]: "It's my treat. Don't be sorry. Here." He handed him the bowl of Katsudon with a small smile. 

[Midoriya]: "Thank you so much, Todoroki. I'll treat you to lunch later then." he promised as they walked over to the couch.

He took one bite of the Katsudon and his eyes lit up brightly.

[Midoriya]: "It tastes exactly how my mom used to make it! How long did it take you to make this?" He was completely stunned and smiled widely.

[Todoroki]: "I think... half an hour? It was a long recipe." He recalled.

[Midoriya]: "It's really delicious. Thank you again." He continued eating the Katsudon while Todoroki pretended to read a book that Bakugo had left on the table to pass the time.

After he finished his breakfast, they chatted all morning and snuck around the dorms mischievously to see what the other rooms were like.

[Midoriya]: "I can't believe Bakugo's room! There were so many romance novels!" He was dying laughing and Todoroki couldn't help but chuckle a little.

[Todoroki]: "I know I saw it when we first came to these dorms, but Tokoyami's room is so gothic. I think he added more stuff to it." He remembered seeing a large dark katana hanging over the bed that wasn't there before.

[Midoriya]: "That was fun. I'm kinda bummed that I missed the mall trip though. Why did you stay back? You could've gone with Uraraka, Iida, and Tsu." He wondered.

[Todoroki's Mind]: "I stayed so you wouldn't wake up alone."

[Todoroki]: "I didn't have the energy." He decided to respond with that, but lied smoothly like he did with Mina earlier.

[Midoriya]: "I can understand that. It's been a slow, gloomy morning. Wasn't most of class 1A tired this morning?" He recalled seeing Kaminari sleeping on the floor before he laid down on the couch earlier.

[Todoroki]: "Pretty much. Only Bakugo, Tsu, Iida, and Aoyama weren't tired." He remembered seeing all of them walk in perfectly fine, not even with bed heads.

[Midoriya]: "Yikes. So everyone else must've had a rough night too." He chuckled.

[Todoroki]: "Why did you have a rough night?" He wondered as they walked into the elevator to go back downstairs.

[Midoriya]: "It was just a nightmare. Nothing much, but I stayed up most of the night because of it. I don't remember much of it now though." He lied since he actually remembered the nightmare vividly, but acted like it wasn't a big deal since he didn't want to talk about it.

[Todoroki]: "Mina and Sero also had nightmares from what I recall." He could tell that Midoriya was probably lying about the nightmare, but he didn't want him to be uncomfortable talking about it.

[Midoriya]: "It was a full moon last night. I've heard that people get worse sleep on a full moon, but no one knows why. It's very interesting!" He remembered reading that somewhere.

Todoroki looked down at his watch and realized that it was 12:00.

[Todoroki]: "It's lunch time. Do you want to go into town?" They walked out of the elevator and down the hall into the common room.

[Midoriya]: "Didn't you say Aizawa said that we can't go anywhere till they get back?" He was a little confused.

[Todoroki]: "He doesn't have to know." He said calmly yet mischievously.

[Midoriya]: "Are you sure it's a good idea?" His heart raced a little with anxiety.

[Todoroki]: "It'll be fine. We won't get into any trouble and just be back by 6:00. Trust me." He locked eyes with him.

[Midoriya]: sigh, "Ok, I trust you. But if we see any villains, what should we do?" He thought of a couple different scenarios.

[Todoroki]: "I know a part of town that has barely any crime and there's plenty of stores." He remembered going there once with his older sister.

[Midoriya]: "Ok! Let's go!" He was more excited now.

They quickly put on their shoes, grabbed their sweaters, and headed outside into town. It was easy to leave UA since they had access cards to get in and out. It was a wonderful 30 minute walk to the place he was talking about, and once they got there, they started shopping immediately. They went to all kinds of stores, buying clothing or cool items that were something they liked.

Midoriya obviously got more All Might figurines and funny t-shirts, while Todoroki bought incense and candles for both their rooms. They also got matching friendship bracelets *Midoriya insisted* and matching blankets from a tv show they both watched. 

Towards the end, they split up in the same area and bought something random for each other as a surprise. Todoroki found a small wooden carving of All Might in a thrift shop, but something else also caught his eye. It was in the very back of the shop, and it looked like it hadn't been sold or touched in years, or however long this store has been here. It was probably the cheapest item in the store, which made it seem like the owners were desperate to sell it at some point but forgot about it. It was a wooden cat mask painted white with a couple brown splotches *he thought it was dirt but it was also paint* and had closed eyes with a wide smile. He decided to buy it for himself, but hid it in the pocket of the sweater tied around his waist. 

They met back up by a fountain outside and gave each other the gifts. Midoriya absolutely loved his gift since he'd never seen a wooden All Might figurine before. Todoroki was given a large plushie of his favorite character from a movie he loves. He didn't even know how Midoriya found one since the movie wasn't well known. 

Happy with their gifts, they ate a late lunch *Midoriya bought lunch for the both of them like he promised* and headed back to the dorms around 5:30, which was perfect timing. When they got back, they quickly put their stuff in their rooms and changed back into the clothes they wore earlier. 10 minutes later, the rest of the class finally made it back, and it seemed like Todoroki and Midoriya hadn't left, just like they planned.  

(aaanddd that's another chapter! I think this one was a little shorter than the last? Idk, I'm sorry if it is tho lol. See ya in the next chapter!)

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