The Cat's Out of the Bag

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Midoriya waited in his room for quite a while, hoping the cat would appear but he never did. He got worried and headed back downstairs to look for the cat outside.

Todoroki took a deep breath and did a somersault to change back. It didn't work. After a couple more tries, it still didn't work.

[Todoroki]: "Why am I not changing back..." He felt his face for any way that he could maybe peel off the mask.

Starting to panic, he went back on the porch to do a somersault off it since he thought being higher up helped. It still didn't work. He was about to find a way to climb onto the roof when he heard the door to the front entrance open. Quickly, he hid behind a bush in case it was Bakugo or Kirishima.

[Todoroki]: "Midoriya." He saw a glimpse of the person's hair and immediately knew it was him.

Calmly, he came out from behind the bush and walked over to him.

[Midoriya]: "Oh! There you are! I was waiting for you for a while." His face lit up with a smile of relief when he saw the cat.

[Midoriya]: "Here, let's go to my patio." He picked up the cat and activated his quirk to get back to his room.

When he got there, he sat down under the awning of his patio with the cat next to him.

[Midoriya]: "You know, you remind me a lot of someone I know. He's always there for me when I need him, and you've been the same way since I found you. You're both also... really beautiful although I never really processed it before with him. I never knew what these feelings were; and I've had them for a long time, but I finally realized today what they meant." He vented to the cat, although he wanted to get everything off his chest.

[Todoroki's Mind]: "What?" His attention was caught sharply when he heard what he said.

[Midoriya]: "I just... wish he were here..." He sighed and got up to go back inside his dorm room.

Todoroki knew who Midoriya was talking about; deep down, he knew that person was him. As he walked over to the door, Midoriya sighed and knelt down, blocking his way.

[Midoriya]: "I... can't let you in tonight. Aizawa is staying in one of the extra dorms here tonight to keep an eye on all of us. I'll make time to see you in the morning though." He smiled sadly, stroking the cat's head for a few moments before shutting the door.

Todoroki really wanted to go back inside, but had no choice now. As he walked back down the patio, he locked eyes with Kirishima once again.

[Todoroki]: "Not again..." He skidded away off the porch as he heard Kirishima chase after him.

When Todoroki jumped onto the tree, he slipped off the wet branch since he didn't grip it well and landed right on his front leg.

[Todoroki]: "Damn it." He hissed and sat up slowly.

Before he could stand up, he felt someone scoop him off the ground and hold him tight. In an instant, his adrenaline spiked and his right paw released splinters of ice onto the person's arm.

[Kirishima]: "What the hell?!" He dropped the cat onto the grass and brushed the ice off his arm.

[Kirishima]: "Why the hell can a cat just... make ice?!" He knelt down in front of it.

Todoroki tried to back away but ended up backing into a large tree behind him.

[Kirishima]: "Holy shit... are you somehow Todoroki? No no... that's impossible." He felt like he was overthinking.

[Kirishima]: "I know I sound insane, but if you're Todoroki, just meow!" He felt really stupid, and hoped Bakugo would never find out about this.

[Todoroki]: "I can't do this right now... I need to get back to Midoriya and figure out who he was talking about." He ended up speaking aloud so it came out as a meow. [he's dense in the show so I'm making him absolutely clueless, I'm sorry lol] never be sorry lol!

[Kirishima]: "WHAT?!" He put his hands over his mouth in shock.

[Todoroki]: "Shit... I meowed." He sighed with annoyance.

While Kirishima was still in shock, Todoroki ran off as fast as he could without using his injured leg.

[Kirishima]: "Oh crap!" He processed what just happened and ran after the cat.

(sorry about the title pun lmao, and the short chapter. Cya in the next one!)

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