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Later that night after everyone ate dinner and headed back to their dorms again, Todoroki snuck out of his room as a cat. He jumped onto the branch of a tree that was right in front of his patio, and almost fell off since he wasn't used to walking on four legs yet. He did his best to carefully climb down the tree, but ended up falling halfway down.

[Todoroki]: "Ow!" He heard himself hiss.

After getting up and brushing the leaves off his fur, he made his way over to the front of the building. His plan was to walk to the other side since Midoriya's dorm was there, but he didn't have to. Midoriya was sitting alone on the main porch out front and was reading a book while sometimes looking up at the sky. Todoroki hid behind a bush since he was too nervous to go up to him.

[Todoroki]: "Why is my heart beating so fast? Maybe it's from falling off the tree?" He tried to calm himself down by taking a couple deep breaths.

After a couple minutes, he finally felt ready and walked out from behind the bush. Midoriya saw something move out of the corner of his eye and he quickly looked up from his book to see what it was. He saw a white and brown cat with mismatched eyes and a strange mark on its ear slowly walking towards him.

[Midoriya]: "Awww, who are you? I've never seen you around before." He walked over to the cat and crouched down in front of it. To his surprise it didn't skid away like a normal stray cat would.

[Midoriya]: "I wonder where your owner is... and how you even got here into UA. Maybe you belong to Koda?" He sat down and checked its neck for a collar.

[Todoroki]: "Do you understand me?" He asked, taking a big risk, but it came out as a couple small meows.

[Midoriya]: "Is that a yes?" He chuckled.

[Todoroki]: "I guess he can't understand me... I wonder what I sound like to him." His voice came out as meows again.

Midoriya carefully picked him up and brought him inside the building to see if he was Koda's. Todoroki shifted his position so he was cradled in his arms. When Midoriya reached Koda's dorm room, he knocked on the door. A couple moments later, the door opened.

[Midoriya]: "I'm so sorry to bother you Koda. I know it's late but, is this your cat?" He apologized.

Koda glanced down at the cat cradled in his arms and smiled fondly. But he shook his head, since he'd never seen the cat around before.

[Midoriya]: "Oh. I guess he's a stray from town then. Well, good night. Sorry again." He smiled awkwardly.

Koda waved goodbye with a smile and closed the door. Midoriya walked over to the elevator to go back to his dorm room. He decided to keep the cat with him a little longer and set him free later tonight. When he got into his room, he set the cat down on his bed and went over to his desk to do some school work. Todoroki jumped off the bed and walked over to him.

[Midoriya]: "Oh! Um, do you want to be up here?" He found it strange that the cat was being so friendly towards him, but he didn't mind since the cat was adorable.

Todoroki was kind of annoyed that he was so short, so he just put his paws on the chair. Midoriya lifted him up easily and set him down on the part of his desk that had free space.

[Midoriya]: "Maybe you could help me with homework." He joked and went back to typing on his computer.

Todoroki heard himself purring and couldn't control it. To take his mind off it, he looked at the computer screen to actually try and help out with the homework. There was a multiple choice question on the screen that had to do with Algebra, and he knew the answer to it. He lifted his paw and touched the screen where it said "B" since it was the answer.

[Midoriya]: "I can't see the answer, little one! Do you just want my attention?" He burst out laughing and pet the top of the cat's head.

[Todoroki]: "I really am trying to help out with your homework, but I guess having your attention is better." He found himself purring more and leaned into his hand.

A couple minutes later, Midoriya went back to his homework while still petting the cat. He checked the clock and it was close to midnight so he finished up his homework and opened the patio door to let the cat out. Todoroki sighed, knowing that he had to go back to his dorm room, but figured that he could just see him again as a cat tomorrow night. He reluctantly went outside and looked back at Midoriya who waved goodbye through the glass.

[Todoroki]: "See you tomorrow." He meowed and jumped onto the tree in front of the patio.

It took him about 15 minutes to walk all the way to the other side of the building, as well as climb back up the tree, but once he was inside his dorm, he changed back into a person. He couldn't help but smile and curl up with the new blanket he got today.

[Todoroki]: "That was amazing. I wonder why I was so nervous at first though. Maybe it really wasn't the tree." He glanced back out the window.

He slowly fell asleep, and for the first time in his life, it was with a smile on his face. 

(ok, I promise the next chapter will be WAY longer)

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